Booking Information
- Access: The WBS main building are accessible to all University staff and students via their University card. Teaching spaces are accessible to WBS staff and students via their University card. Meeting rooms are accessible to all University staff via their University card. If your event will be out of regular office hours or will include external visitors you must contact ahead of time to arrange for door access changes.
- Booking Time slots: The School adopts the standard University model: starting at 5 minutes past the booking start time and finishing at 5 minutes to the booking end time. Please ensure rooms are vacated promptly to allow any following lectures to start on time.
- Catering: Where hospitality is booked, the user must clear up after themselves and arrange for debris and crockery to be removed the same day, or as soon as possible afterwards. Any expenses incurred for additional cleaning or portering will be charged to the relevant group/section. Please note that catering is not permitted inside any teaching rooms fro teaching events.
- Cleaning: Ensure that rooms are left clean and tidy after use, clean whiteboards, dispose of all rubbish and collect spare hand-outs before vacating rooms. Normal cleaning hours for WBS Scarman Road and the WBS Teaching Centre, Radcliffe are weekday mornings from 06.00 to 12.00, if you require additional cleaning for your event outside of these hours please contact
- Equipment: Flipchart stands, pads and pens are provided in all teaching rooms, for additional items please contact If you require an item the School does not provide, you may find this link useful:
Food and Drink: University policy does not allow eating and drinking in timetabled teaching rooms, bottled drinks are allowed, but must be taken away at the end of the session.
- Furniture: Additional tables (e.g. for registration) can be organised through
- Heating & Cooling: If you require additional heating/cooling for out of normal hours bookings, please contact The Boilerhouse.
- IT Support: There is generally no out-of-hours IT support, although it may be possible to arrange such support by contacting the IT Helpdesk on help at wbs dot ac dot uk giving as much notice and detail as possible. All costs must be met by the organising Group/ Section. WBS teaching rooms are equipped with standard AV/ IT equipment. Where additional equipment is required it is the responsibility of the relevant Group/Section to manage this process by contacting the IT Helpdesk as above.
- Room Configuration: Some seminar rooms have furniture which can be rearranged if required. If furniture is rearranged please ensure the room is returned to its default configuration before you leave. The default configuration is shown inside the room. If you cannot find this, please return the room as you found it. If you need any help or support with furniture layouts, please contact, giving as much notice as possible.
- Video Conferencing: Please contact the IT Helpdesk on help at wbs dot ac dot uk giving as much notice and detail as possible.
Student/ Researcher Bookings
- PhD Researchers: PhD researchers must not book rooms at WBS for undergraduate tutorials; these should be held within centrally-timetabled rooms. When necessary, teaching requirements will take precedence over PhD booking requests. For further guidance, please contact the WBS Doctoral Programmes Office
- Study space for students: The School makes study space available for students wherever possible. Individual room timetables are displayed outside all syndicate rooms, seminar rooms and lecture theatres: when a room is not being used for regular teaching activities, students are encouraged to make use of the spaces for private study or group-work.
- Student bookings: Room bookings for students must be made by a member of staff using the standard booking procedure. That staff member will be deemed responsible for the booking, for ensuring the students leave the room tidy and in the default configuration and for any problems (e.g. damage to equipment). Teaching requirements will take precedence over booking for students.