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Seminar Organisers

Professor Joanna Brewis

Jo is Professor of Organization and Consumption at Leicester School of Management. She has degrees from UMIST, and worked at the Universities of Portsmouth and Essex before joining the School of Management in August 2004. Her research focuses on the intersections between the body, identity, sexuality, consumption, culture and processes of organizing, as articulated in work on topics such as sexual harassment, sex work, women’s experiences of embodiment within and outwith the workplace, fast food, organizational projects of the self, relationships at work and representations of organizations in popular culture. Contact 


Dr philip Hancock

Philip is Associate Professor of Organizational Behaviour at Warwick Business School. He has degrees in social science, philosophy, and management from the universities of Nottingham Trent, Warwick, and Keele respectively and has worked at several UK HE institutions including Glasgow Caledonian. His work has, for some time now, largely concerned itself with the incorporation of traditionally excluded aspects of organizational life into processes of organizational reproduction. These have included, for instance, culture, sexuality, embodiment, the aesthetic and, most recently, sleep. Contact


Professor Stephen Linstead

Steve is Professor of Criitcal Management at The York Managment School. he holds undergraduate and Masters degrees in English Literature from the universities of Keele and Leeds, and a further Masters in Organization Development and PhD from what is now Sheffield Hallam University . More recently he was awarded a D.LItt from Durham University. He has held Chairs in Wollongong (NSW), Sunderland . Essex and Durham before moving to York, also spending 2 years as a Visiting Scholar at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. His research tends to fall into five main areas – organization theory and philosophy; aesthetic approaches to organization; language based approaches to organization; gender and sexuality in organizations; qualitative methods, and ethnography and culture. Contact


Dr Melissa Tyler

Melissa is a Senior Lecturer in Organization Studies at Loughborugh University Business School. She has degrees in social science and sociology from the universities of Birmingham and Derby, and has worked in several UK universities. Her research draws on feminist theory and focuses primarily on the body, gender and sexuality, aesthetic and emotional forms of labour and, most recently, childhood and consumption. Her current work, funded by the British Academy, is on gender performativity and organizational space. Contact










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