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Graeme Currie, January 2024

In webinar 1 we will focus on findings relating to the ingredients of a successful innovation journey. We will outline five key ingredients:

  • receptivity of organisational setting for innovation;
  • co-production with care leavers;
  • dynamics of leadership;
  • measurement of outcomes;
  • adaption and learning processes

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Sue Hammersley (NHP), Rosie Blackett (NHP), Amy Lynch, Jibril Mohamoud, February 2024

In webinar 3 we will focus on the National House Project (NHP) Case Study. The case study focused on House Project’s journey in supporting more young people in their transitions from care. The webinar will report on the learning from the 31 interviews with young people, practitioners and operational and strategic managers and 13 observations of meetings and events that aimed to explore the ingredients of House Project’s success.

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Becky Johnson, January 2024

In webinar 2 we will focus on findings relating to the forms of evidence relating to outcomes for care leavers that are utilised at local and national levels. We will explore the policy-practice gap around what constitutes innovation evidence and how the gap might be reduced. We will discuss potential opportunities for closer integration of cohort-level statistics and individual-level experiential data.

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Rod Weston-Bartholomew (Barnardo’s), Natalie Dixon (Barnardo’s),
Rachel Telfer (Barnardo’s), Seana Friel, January 2024

In webinar 4 we will focus on processes of innovation at one of the case study sites, Care Journeys, Barnardo’s. Care Journeys is focused upon placing care-leavers at the centre of the innovation process and, specifically, care leavers who may face disadvantage linked to poverty, ethnicity, gender and sexuality.

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EuSARF Conference

Innovation to Support Leaving Care Transitions Symposium

Brighton, September 2023

'Care Journeys: a case study of innovation in practice'

Rod Weston-Bartholomew, Seana Friel

'Co-production of research with care leavers as peer researchers in a multi-disciplinary study'

CJ Hamilton, Jibril Mohamoud, Seana Friel, Rosie Oswick, Amy Lynch

'Key components to implement and sustain innovation'

Graeme Currie, Hayley Alderson, Amy Lynch

'Mind the gap! Challenges and opportunities in extending outcome measurements for accountability and meaningful innovation'

Becky Johnson, Gary Kerridge, Amy Lynch

'Multi-disciplinary perspectives of evaluation approaches'

Amy Lynch, Deborah Smart, Carrie Harrop

Coventry Health Determinants Research Collaboration annual webinar - EXIT case study 'National House Project' (Amy Lynch, July 2023)


'The National House Project Annual Conference - Changing the Narrative' (Amy Lynch, Jibril Mohamoud, March 2022)