New Publications
Book chapters
Mutum, Dilip and Wang, Qing (2010). “Consumer Generated Advertising in Blogs” . In Neal M. Burns, Terry Daugherty, Matthew S. Eastin (Eds) Handbook of Research on Digital Media and Advertising: User Generated Content Consumption (Vol 1), IGI Global, 248-261.
Wang, Qing (2010). “Understanding Consumer Responses to Innovations”, in Joe Tidd (ed), Gaining Momentum: Managing the Diffusion of Innovations, Chapter 6. The World Scientific.
Journal publications
Yang Yan, Qing Wang, Hengyuan Zhu, Guisheng Wu (2010 forthcoming), "What are the effective strategic orientations (SOs) for new product success under different environments? - An empirical study of the Chinese businesses", Journal of Product Innovation Management.
Ligang Yan, Qing Wang, Hengyuan Zhu and Guisheng Wu (2009) “Linking Lifestyle Segmentation to Product Attributes and Consumer Preferences: An Exploratory Study of the Chinese Mobile Phone Market”, Journal of Marketing Management, Vol.25, Issues. 3-4, 295-314.
David Alexander, John Lynch and Qing Wang (2008) “As Time Goes By: Do Cold Feet Follow Warm Intentions for Really-new vs. Incrementally-New Products?” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 45, 307-319.
Note: A version of this paper is also published in Marketing Science Institute (MSI) Working Paper Series, and is the winner of 2009 Robert D. Buzzell MSI Best Paper Award for its contribution to marketing practice and thought and lasting value to marketing executives."
Special issues editions
Qing Wang, Simon Collinson and Xiaobo Wu (2010), "The rise of Chinese technology-based firms: new institutional and market contexts for innovation", editorial, International Journal of Innovation Management, 14: v-x.