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Book Chapters


I Oshri, J Kotlarsky and L P Willcocks (forthcoming) Socialization in a Global Context: Lessons from Dispersed Teams in Exploring Virtuality: Social, Local and Global Issues, N Panteli and M Chiasson (eds.), Palgrave: London, 21-54.

 P Allen and Y Merali (forthcoming) Systems in SAGE Handbook of Complexity and Management, P Allen, W McKelvey and S Maguire (eds), Sage (2009).

 Y Merali (forthcoming) Complexity and the Services Science Agenda in Bill Hefley and Wendy Murphy (ed) Service Science, Management, and Engineering (SSME): Education for the 21st Century, Springer Science +Business Media, LLC (2008).

 L Edelman, M Bresnen, S Newell, J Swan and H Scarbrough (forthcoming) The paradox of social capital: structural, cognitive and relational dimensions. In Strategies in Transition.

 S Newell, L Edelman, H Scarbrough, J Swan and M Bresnen (forthcoming) Problems in the transfer of best practice efforts: An illustrative case. In L Markus and V Grover (Eds) Business Process Transformation, M E Sharpe Inc.

 S Newell (forthcoming) Information, International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies, S Clegg (editor).



J Kotlarsky, I Oshri and P C van Fenema (2008) Building Trust in Globally Distributed Teams in Encyclopedia of Networked and Virtual Organizations, G D Putnik and M M Cunha (eds), Information Science Reference, ISBN: 9781599048857.

 I Oshri, J Kotlarsky and P C van Fenema (2008) Knowledge Transfer and Sharing in Globally Distributed Teams in Encyclopedia of Networked and Virtual Organizations, G D Putnik and M M Cunha (eds), Information Science Reference, ISBN: 9781599048857.

 P C van Fenema, I Oshri and J Kotlarsky (2008) Management of Distributed Teams in Network Organisations, in Encyclopedia of Networked and Virtual Organizations, G D Putnik and M M Cunha (eds), Information Science Reference. ISBN: 9781599048857.



I Oshri, J Kotlarsky, P C van Fenema and L P Willcocks (2007) Expertise Management in a Distributed Context: The Case of Offshore Information Technology Outsourcing in Virtuality and Virtualization. K Crowston, S Sieber and E Wynn (eds), Springer, ISBN: 978-0-387-73024-0.

 J Kotlarsky, I Oshri and C Hirsch (2007) Information Security Policies for Networkable Devices in Encyclopedia of Information Ethics and Security, M Quigley (ed), Information Science Reference, ISBN: 9781591409878.

 S X Xu and J Nandhakumar (2007) Managing e-relationships in a Supply Network in A K Pani and A Agrahari (ed) E-Procurement in Emerging Economies: Theory and Cases, Idea Group Publishing.

 H Scarbrough (2007) Knowledge Management and Organizational Knowledge entries in James R Bailey and Stewart Clegg (eds), International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies, London: Sage Publications, 2 758-762 and 3 1087-1092.

 S Newell, J Cooprider, G David, L Edelman and T Logan (2007) Analyzing different strategies to enterprise system adoption: Re-engineering-led vs quick deployment, In A Gunasekaran (ed), Modelling and analysis of enterprise information systems. New York: IGI Publishing, 339-358.



S Newell, M Robertson and J Swan (2006) Interactive innovation processes and the problems of managing knowledge, In B Renzl, K Matzler and H Hinterhuber, (Eds) The Future of Knowledge Management, Palgrave, 115-136.

 S Newell (2006) The Role of Social Capital in Knowledge Integration, in D. Schwartz (Ed) the Encyclopedia of Knowledge Management, Idea Group Reference, 862-869.

 S Newell (2006) Selection and Assessment, In T Redman and A Wilkinson, Contemporary Human Resource Management: Text and Cases.  Pearson Education, 2nd edition, 65-98.

S Newell, E Wagner and G David (2006) Clumsy Information Systems: A critical review of Enterprise Systems. In Agile Information Systems, K DeSouza (ed) 163-177.



J Backhouse, C Hsu, J Baptista and J Tseng (2005) Spotting Lemons in the PKI Market: Engendering Trust by Signalling Quality In M Shaw (ed) E-Commerce and the Digital Economy, M E Sharp, New York.

S Corea (2005) Endogenizing IT innovation: preliminary considerations for an approach to socio-economic development, in R Edison (ed) Information Systems in Developing Countries: Theory and Practice, pp 25-40.  City University of Hong Kong Press.

S Newell (2005) The fallacy of simplistic notions of the transfer of ‘best practice. In Anthony F Buono and Flemming Poulfelt (Eds), Challenges and Issues in Knowledge Management (Research in Management Consulting, Volume 5). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.

M Bresnen, L Edelman, S Newell, H Scarbrough and J Swan (2005) A community perspective on managing knowledge in project environments, In P Love, Z Irani and P Fong (eds), Knowledge management in project environments, Butterworth Heinemann.

 S Newell (2005) The Role of Social Capital in Knowledge Integration, in D Schwartz (Ed), The Encyclopedia of Knowledge Managmeent.  Idea Group Publishing

 S Newell, S Adams, L Crary, P Glidden, V LaFarge and A Nurick (2005) Exploring the Variation in Student Project Team Knowledge Integration Competency. In New Frontiers of Knowledge Management, K Desouza (Ed), Palgrave Macmillan, 204-229.

 L Edelman, M Bresnen, S Newell, H Scarbrough and J Swan (2005) The paradox of social capital: structural, cognitive and relational dimensions, in R A Bettis (ed) Strategy in transition, Strategic Management Society, Blackwell Oxford, 153-174.

 M Bresnen, L Edelman, S Newell, H Scarbrough and J Swan (2005) A community perspective on managing knowledge in project environments, in P Love, Z Irani and P Fong (eds), Knowledge management in project environments, Butterworth Heinemann.



P Love, J Huang, D J Edwards and Z Irani (2004) Building a Learning Organisation in a Project Environment, In P E D Love., S W Fong and Z  Irani (Eds) Management of Knowledge in Projects, Butterworth-Heinemann, UK.

 S Newell and J Huang (2004) Knowledge Integration Processes and Dynamics within the Context of Cross-function Projects, P E D Love, S W Fong and Z Irani (Eds) Management of Knowledge in Projects, Butterworth-Heinemann, UK.

 H Kim, Y Merali and J Huang (2004) Supreme Court Registry Office (SCRO) of South Korea, S-L Pan (Ed) Managing Strategic Enterprise Systems and e-Government Initiatives in Asia, World Scientific, Singapore.

 H Kim, Y Merali and J Huang (2004) An E-Government Case Study: IT -Enabled Change in SCRO, in S Pan (ed) Managing Strategic Enterprise Systems and E-government Initiatives in Asia: A Case Book, World Scientific.

 Y Merali (2004) Complexity and Information Systems in J Mingers and L Willcocks (ed) Social Theory and Philosophy of Information Systems, Wiley, 407-446.

 J Nandhakumar, N Panteli, P Powell and R Vidgen (2004) Trust in the Digital Era in G Doukidis, N Mylonopoulos and N Pouloudi (eds) Social and Economic Transformation in the Digital Era, Idea Group US.

 S Newell (2004) Assessment, selection and evaluation, In J Leopold, L Harris and T Watson (Eds) The strategic management of human resources (2nd edition). Prentice Hall, 140-177.

 S Newell and J Huang (2004) Knowledge Management and E-Commerce: When self-service is not the sensible solution, In W Currie (Ed), Value Creation from e-business models, Elsevier, 158-177.

M Bresnen, L Edelman, S Newell, H Scarbrough and J Swan (2004) The impact of social capital on project-based learning, in M Huysman and V Wulf (eds), Social capital and ICT, Cambridge, MA, MIT Press.



A Martin (2003) The Challenge of adding value to simulation games through internet mediation:  the medium and the message in Interactive Learning through Gaming and Simulation, in F Percival, H Godfrey, P Laybourn and S Murray S (eds) The International Simulation and Gaming Yearbook, Kogan Page, 11 68-75.

 R Galliers and S Newell (2003) Strategy as Data plus Sense-Making, in D Wilson and S Cumming (Eds), Images of strategy.

H.Scarbrough (2003) Knowledge Management, in D Holman, T D Wall, C W Clegg, P Sparrow, A Howard, A, The new workplace: A guide to the human impact of modern working practices, Wiley & Sons, Chichester 135 -154.

 H Scarbrough and J Swan (2003) Discourses of Knowledge Management and the Learning Organization: Their production and consumption in M Easterby-Smith and M Lyles, Blackwell Handbook of Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management, Oxford.



J Huang, S Newell and R D Galliers (2002) Knowledge Integration Processes with the Context of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Implementation, G Shanks, P B Seddon, L P Willcocks (Eds) Second-Wave Enterprise Resource Planning Systems:  Implementing for Effectiveness.

 J Huang, S Newell, R D Galliers and S-L Pan (2002) Enterprise Resource Planning and Knowledge Management Systems: An Empirical Account of Organizational Efficiency and Flexibility. L Hossain, J D Patrick and M Rashid (Eds) Enterprise Resource Planning: Global Opportunities & Challenges.  London: Idea Group Publishing.

 J Huang and S-L Pan (2002) Managing Customer Knowledge: A Social Construction Perspective, D Coakes, D Willis and S Clarke (Eds) Knowledge Management in the Sociotechnical World. London: Springer.

J Swan, M Robertson and S Newell (2002) Knowledge Management: The next fad to forget people? In S Barnes (Ed), Knowledge Management Systems: Theory and Practice International Thomson Business Press, 179-194.



Y Merali (2001) Building and Developing Capabilities: A Cognitive Congruence Framework in R Sanchez (ed) Knowledge Management and Organisational Competence, Oxford University Press, 41-62.

 S Newell (2001) Communication, gender, and power, in E Wilson (Ed), Organisational Behaviour Reassessed: The Impact of Gender. Paul Chapman Publishing Ltd, 60-85.

S Newell and V Shackleton (2001) Selection and Assessment as an Interactive Decision Process, in T Redman & A Wilkinson (Eds), Contemporary Human Resource Management. London: Prentice Hall, 24-56.

 S Newell and C Tansley (2001) International differences in recruitment and selection. In I Robertson and C Cooper (Eds), International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 6, London: Wiley, 195-214.

S Newell, H Scarbrough, J Swan and D Hislop (2001) Intranets and Knowledge Management: De-centred technologies and the limits of technological discourse.  In C Prichard, R Hull, M Chumer and H Willmott, Managing Knowledge: Critical Investigations of Work and Learning, 88-106, Basingstoke, Hants: Macmillan.