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Conference Papers


Y Merali and M Boisot (forthcoming) Mechanisms and rents: the social learning cycle for r- and K-strategies at 28th International Conference of the Strategic Management Society, Cologne, 25 (2008)

 Y Merali (forthcoming) The Missing Middle and CAS at CAS - Understanding the state of the art and implications for UK Defence, Farnborough, Hants (2008)



J Baptista, S M Newell and W L Currie (2007) Paradoxical Effects of Intranet Institutionalization and Strategic Awareness of the Technology within Organizations at International Conference of Information Systems, Montréal, Québec, Canada.

 S Corea and M Levy (2007) Quality of IT support for corporate environmental management: a paradigmatic framework, Proceedings of ICDIM 2007, the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Digital Information Management, Lyon, France.

 S Corea and A Watters (2007) Challenges in business performance measurement: the case of a corporate IT function, Proceedings of BPM 2007, 5th International Conference on Business Process Management, Brisbane, Australia.

 S Corea (2007) The process of enterprise alignment in an ERP project: a view from the trenches, Proceedings of EMCIS 2007, European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, Valencia, Spain.

J Kotlarsky and I Oshri (2007) Managing Globally Distributed Component-Based Software Development, Proceedings of the Workshop on the Challenges of Collaboration in Global Software Development, in conjunction with the 10th European Conference on Computer Supported Co-operative Work (ECSCW’07), September 2007, Limerick, Ireland.

 I Oshri, J Kotlarsky and P C van Fenema (2007) Transactive Memory and the Transfer of Knowledge Between Onsite and Offshore Teams, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Outsourcing Information Systems (ICOIS), May 2007, Heidelberg, Germany.

 I Oshri, J Kotlarsky, L P Willcocks and P C van Fenema (2007) Managing Expertise in IT Outsourcing Relationships, Proceedings of the First Information Systems Workshop on Global Sourcing: Services, Knowledge and Innovation, March 2007, Val d'Isere, France. Available online: (JIT 06-201)

 Y Merali (2007) Complexity and Dynamism in the Information Systems Domain at 18th International Conference of the Information Resource Management Association, Vancouver.

 Y Merali (2007) Social and Business Networks: A View Through the Information Lens at Services Ecosystems and Convergence of Business and Social Networks: Implications for Research, PhD Education and Design of Future Enterprises, Brussels.

 T Papadopoulos and Y Merali (2007) Stakeholder dynamics during process innovation implementation in healthcare: Lean Thinking in a Theatres Department of a UK NHS Hospital at The Hospiatal of the Future: 6th International Conference on the Management of Healthcare and Medical Technology, Pisa

 P Stacey, A D Brown and J Nandhakumar (2007) Making sense of stories: the development of a new mobile computer game at Proceedings of the 40th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-40), IEEE Computer Society, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA.

 W Molnar and J Nandhakumar (2007) Managing a New Computer Device Development in a Creative ISO 9001 Certified Company: a Case Study at Proceedings of the 40th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-40), IEEE Computer Society, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA.



J Baptista, J Backhouse and A Canhoto (2006) Impact of intranets on employee perception and behaviour: a case study in a UK bank at International Conference of Information Systems, Milwaukee.

 J Baptista, J Backhouse and A Canhoto (2006) Intranet institutionalisation and organisational trust: a longitudinal case study in a UK bank at Academy of Management, Atlanta.

S Corea (2006) A sociotechnical systems framework for mapping action and restriction in the use of IT, Proceedings of ECIS 2006, 14th European Conference on Information Systems, Goteberg, Sweden.

J Huang (2006) Anticipative affordance in the context of information technology implementation and appropriation, Academy of Management 2006 Annual Meeting, August, Atlanta, USA.

 J Huang. K Starkey, D Fasnacht, S Tempest (2006) The development of architectural ambidexterity: Information technology in an age of hyper-competition, Academy of Management 2006 Annual Meeting, August, Atlanta, USA. Included in the Best Papers Proceedings. Nominated for Carolyn Dexter Award.

 J Kotlarsky, P C van Fenema and L P Willcocks (2006) Case Research in Global Software Projects: Coordinating Through Knowledge, Proceedings of the International Conference of Information Systems, December 2006, Milwaukee, USA

 P C van Fenema, I Oshri and J Kotlarsky (2006) Coherent Paths of Organizing: A Transactive Memory System Perspective on Coordination, EIASM Workshop on Organizing Paths – Paths of Organizing, November, Berlin, Germany.

 A Martin and P Sampaio (2006) Architecting an innovative teaching module with IBM at K Hapeshi and A Tomlinson (ed) Where Theory meets Practice: proceedings of the UKAIS Conference 2006, UKAIS, Cheltenham UK, CD-ROM

 Y Merali (2006) A Durkheimian Perspective on Knowledge Management in Trans-Boundary Project-Based Work Organisation at Academy of Management, Atlanta, Georgia.

 I Allison and Y Merali (2006) A structurational framework for the analysis of software process improvement at UKAIS, Cheltanham.

 I Allison and Y Merali (2006) Complexity and the Services Science Agenda at Technical Workshop for the Centre of Systems and Services Sciences, Grenobles.

 Y Merali (2006) Complexity and the Services Science Agenda, at Scientific Meeting of the Centre for Systems and Services Sciences, Grenoble.

 I Ignatiadis and J Nandhakumar (2006) Organizational Work With Enterprise Systems: A Double Agency Perspective at Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS'2006), Goteborg, Sweden.

 P Stacey and J Nandhakumar (2006) Responding To Games Development Challenges Through Mood-Mediated Improvisation at Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2006), Goteborg, Sweden.

 I Ignatiadis and J Nandhakumar (2006) The Impact of Enterprise Systems on Organizational Resilience at Proceedings of the International Federation for Information Processing IFIP WG8.6 Conference on the Transfer and Diffusion of IT for Organisational Resilience, Galway, Ireland.



S Corea (2005) Information management in customer inquiry services: a sense-making approach for managing complexity, Proceedings of IBIMA 2005, International Business Information Management Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.

 D Finnegan (2005) Knowledge Issues in the Introduction of CRM Systems at The European Conference in Information Systems, Regensburg, Germany.

 J Huang., S Newell, B Poulson and R Galliers (2005) Deriving value from a commodity process: A case study of the strategic planning and management of a call center, European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), May 2005, Regensburg, Germany.

 I Oshri, J Kotlarsky and L P Willcocks (2005) Before, During and After Face-To-Face Meetings: The Lifecycle of Social Ties in Globally Distributed Teams, Proceedings of the International Conference of Information Systems 2005, December, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

 I Oshri, J Kotlarsky and C Hirsch (2005) Information Security in Networkable Windows-based Operating System Devices: Challenges and Solutions, Softwars 2005, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

 Y Merali (2005) Integrating Social Systems into the Dynamics of Your Organisation, at Conference on Complexity and Knowledge in the New Millennium, London (2005)

 Y Merali (2005) Complexity Science and Conceptualisation in the Internet Enabled World' at 21st Colloquium of the European Group for Organisational Studies, Berlin.

 Y Merali (2005) Complexity and Existence of the Firm in an Inter-Connected World' at 25th International Conference of the Strategic Management Society, Florida.

 Y Merali (2005) Complexity Theory and Managing in the Present at The Complexity, Science and Society Conference, Liverpool.

 Y Merali (2005) Knowledge Management: Social Systems and Organisational Complexity at BCS Special Interest Group on Methods and Tools, Manchester.

 S X Xu and J Nandhakumar (2005) Enacting E-relations with Ancient Chinese Military Stratagems at D Avison, D Galletta and J I DeGross (ed) Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2005), Las Vegas, USA.

 I Ignatiadis and J Nandhakumar (2005) Enterprise Systems As Embedding And Disembedding Technologies - Power Implications For Work Relationships at Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2005), Regensburg, Germany.

 P Stacey and J Nandhakumar (2005) Managing Projects in a Games Factory: Temporality and Practices at Proceedings of the 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-38), IEEE Computer Society, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA.



J Backhouse, C Hsu and J Baptista (2004) Rating Certificate Authorities: a market approach to the Lemons problem at American Conference of Information Systems, New York.

S Corea (2004) Myth and dissymmetry in the use of information technology, Proceedings of ICIS 2004, 25th International Conference on Information Systems, Washington DC, USA.

 D Finnegan (2004) Knowledge management in the introduction of CRM Systems: Tacit/non-codified knowledge transfer, subcultures and impacts, The International Management Technology Conference, Orlando Florida, USA.

 B Poulson, J Huang, S Newell and R Galliers (2004) Revising the trend of commoditization, International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), April 2004, Porto, Portugal.

 B Poulson, J Huang, S Newell and R Galliers (2004) Customer relationship management: Beyond a commodity process, American Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 2004, New York City, USA.

 J Kotlarsky, and P C van Fenema (2004) Relativity of Space and Time Constraints in Dispersed Collaboration, Paper presented at Beta Conference “Fundamentals for Operations Management: Where Disciplines Meet, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.

 J Kotlarsky and P C van Fenema (2004) Relativity of Space and Time Constraints in Dispersed Collaboration: Theoretical Explanation and an Empirical Investigation, Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2004, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

 I Oshri, J Kotlarsky and K Mason (2004) Knowledge Exploitation in Product Programs: A Comparison Between the Mass Production and Made to Order Paradigm, European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) 2004, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

 Y Merali, T Taillieu and H Roose (2004) Abstraction, Identity and Action: The Case of Oranje at 11th International Conference on Multi-Organizational Partnerships, Alliances and Networks, Coalitions and Collisions, June 2004, Tilburg, June 2004.

 Y Merali (2004) Ethics in an Inter-Connected World at International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility, November 2004, Seoul, Korea, 45-65.

 Y Merali (2004) First Catch Your Fish!, at The Fourth International Knowledge Summit, May 2004 , Netherlands.

 J Nandhakumar, M Rossi and J Talvinen (2004) The Dynamics of contextual forces of ERP implementation at Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2004), Turku, Finland.



J Backhouse, C Hsu and J Baptista (2003) The Key to Trust? Signalling Quality in the PKI Market at European Conference on Information Systems, Naples.

S Corea (2003) An interpretive systems framework for the contextual analysis of IT based organisational innovation, Proceedings of UKAIS 2003, Conference of the UK Association of Information Systems, Coventry, England.

 A Afuson, R D Galliers and J Huang (2003) Exploring the impacts of knowledge (re)use and organizational memory on the effectiveness of strategic decision-making, 36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science, January 2003, Hawaii, USA.

 S Newell, J Huang and C Tansley (2003) Achieving transformational change through ERP projects: The importance of knowledge integration, The Conference on Organizational Knowledge, Learning and Capabilities (OKLC), April 2003, Barcelona, Spain.

 J Huang, S Newell and R Galliers (2003) Conceptualizing the three dimensions of intern-organizational community of practice, European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2003), June, Naples, Italy.

 J Huang. and C Tansley (2003) Learning within the context of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems implementation, Academy of Management (AoM), August 2003, Seattle, USA.

 J Huang., S Newell, R Galliers and P Love (2003) Implementing and appropriating component-based development from the aspect of cross-functional collaboration, Australia New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM), December 2003, Perth, Australia.

 A Martin (2003) Architecture of Information Technology Projects: research design at M Levy, A Martin and C Schweighart (ed) Eighth Annual Conference of the United Kingdom Academy for Information Systems, University of Warwick.

 A Martin (2003) Is practice just an error term, in theory? at M Levy, A Martin and C Schweighart (ed), Eighth Annual Conference of the United Kingdom Academy for Information Systems, University of Warwick.

 A Martin (2003) Rationale and architecture for an IS project development simulation on the Internet at M Levy, A Martin, and C Schweighart, Eighth (ed), Eighth Annual Conference of the United Kingdom Academy for Information Systems, University of Warwick, 9-11 April 2003.

 Y Merali, T Taillieu and H Roose (2003) Abstraction, Identity and Action at 10th International Conference on Multi-Organizational Partnerships, Alliances and Networks, Glasgow.

 Y Merali (2003) Engaging with Knowledge Management at Euromoney Conference, Chateau Impney, Glos.

 Y Merali (2003) Facing Disruption: Responsive Content and Technological Responsibility at European Conference on Information System, Naples.

 Y Merali (2003) Intelligence in complex organising forms at NEUWEB semantic net project, Perugia.

 Y Merali (2003) Organic Solidarity and Collective and Distributed Knowledge in Project Organisations at 19th Colloquium of the European Group for Organisational Studies, Copenhagen.

 I Allison and Y Merali (2003) SPI as an Emergent Change Process at UKAIS Conference, Warwick.

 G Shoib and J Nandhakumar (2003) Cross-cultural IS adoption in multinational corporations: A Study of Rationality at R Montealegre, M Korpela and A Poulymenakou (ed) Proceedings of International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP Working Group 8.2 & 9.4) joint Conference, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Athens, Greece.

 J Nandhakumar, M Rossi and J Talvinen (2003) Planning for 'drift'?: Implementation process of enterprise resource planning systems at Proceedings of the 36th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-36), IEEE Computer Society, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA.



S Newell, C Tansley and J Huang (2002) Social capital and knowledge creation in an ERP team: Unintended incapacitating consequences of social capital, The Third European Conference on Organizational Knowledge, Learning, and Capabilities, April 2002, Athens, Greece.

 J Huang., S Newell and R D Galliers (2002) The fostering of inter-organizational communities of practice: An explorative case study, The Third European Conference on Organizational Knowledge, Learning, and Capabilities, April 2002, Athens, Greece.

 J Huang and P Dawson (2002) Organizational memory and political process: Reconfiguration in the context of BPR, European Academy of Management (EURAM), May 2002, Stockholm, Sweden.

 J Huang, S Newell and R D Galliers (2002) The Impact of Organizational Sub-cultures on the Implementation of Component-based Development:  A Case Study of an International Investment Bank, European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2002), June 2002, Gdansk, Poland.

 C Tansley, S Newell and J Huang (2002) The politics of knowledge creation in human resource information systems (HRIS) projects, European Group of Organizational Studies Colloquium (EGOS), July 2002, Barcelona, Spain.

 C Tansley, J Huang and S Newell (2002) Taking a relational perspective as an interpretive researcher in information systems research, Interpretive Approaches Workshop, July 2002, London.

 J Huang, S Newell and C Tansley (2002) Learning within the context of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems implementation: A comparative study of two cases, British Academy of Management Conference (BAM), September 2002, London.

 C W Tan, S-L Pan and J Huang (2002) Electronic government practice in action: An evolution of customer relationship management, Pacific Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2002), September, Tokyo, Japan.

 J Huang, S Newell and R D Galliers (2002) Knowledge sharing and component based development: Exploring subcultural barriers, IASTED International Conference on Information and Knowledge Sharing, November 2002, St Thomas, USA.

 S Newell, J Huang and C Tansley (2002) Social capital in ERP projects: The differential source and effects of ‘bridging’ and ‘bonding’, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), December 2002, Barcelona, Spain.  Nominated for best paper award.

J Kotlarsky, K Kumar and J van Hillegersberg (2002) Coordination and Collaboration for Distributed Teams: The Case of Object-Oriented / Component-Based Software Development, Proceeding of the Workshop on Global Software Development of the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) 2002, Orlando, Florida, USA.

 D Sinriech and J Kotlarski (2002) A Dynamic Scheduling Algorithm for a Multi-Load Multiple-Carrier System, Proceeding of the 7th International Material Handling Research Colloquium (IMHRC), Portland, Maine, USA.

A Martin (2002) The challenge of adding value to simulation games through internet mediation: the medium and the message at F Percival, H Godfrey, P Laybourn, and S Murray, (ed) Proceedings of the 33rd International Simulation & Gaming Association Conference, Napier University, Edinburgh, 11 68-75.

M J Ashleigh and J Nandhakumar (2002) Trust and technologies: Implications for information technology supported work practices at Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIC 2002), Gdansk, Poland, 1134-1143.



J Huang, B Corbit, S Newell and S-L Pan (2001) Cross-functional Knowledge Integration as the Process of Organizational Memory Refinement: A Case Study of Boots the Chemists (UK), International R&D Management Conference, February 2001, Wellington, New Zealand.

 J Huang, S Newell, R Harrison and S-L Pan (2001) The Reconfiguration of Activity-based Knowledge and Organizational Memory in the Context of Business Process Redesign, Conference of Managing Knowledge:  Conversations and Critiques, April 2001, Leicester, UK.

 J Huang, S-L Pan and B Poulson (2001) A Knowledge Management Perspective of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP) Implementation, June 2001 IRMA International Conference, May 2001, Toronto, Canada.

 J Huang, S Newell and S-L Pan (2001) Creating Knowledge Redundancy: Some Critical Insights Related to Cross-functional Knowledge Integration, Human Resources Global Management Conference, June 2001, Barcelona, Spain.

 S-L Pan and J Huang (2001) Knowledge Management and Strategic Human Resources Management, Human Resources Global Management Conference, June 2001, Barcelona, Spain.

 J Huang, S Newell and S-L Pan (2001) Knowledge Integration Processes within the Context of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems Implementation, ECIS 2001, The 9th European Conference on Information Systems,Global Co-operation in the New Millennium, June 2001, Bled, Slovenia.

 S-L Pan, E Khan, J-M Lee and J Huang (2001) E-government: An Exploratory Study of On-line Electronic Procurement Systems, ECIS 2001, The 9th European Conference on Information Systems - Global Co-operation in the New Millennium, June 2001, Bled, Slovenia.

 A Cheung, S-L Pan and J Huang (2001) Barriers to ERP Implementation: An Action Research, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), June 2001, Seoul, Korea.

 J Huang, S Newell, R D Galliers and S-L Pan (2001) Intellectual Buy-in and Emotional Buy-in: A Reappraisal of ERP Implementation, Americas Conference on Information Systems, August 2001, Boston, USA.

 J Huang, S Newell, R D Galliers and S-L Pan (2001) Enterprise Resource Planning and Knowledge Management Systems: Managerial Panaceas or Synergetic Solutions?, Americas Conference on Information Systems, August 2001, Boston, USA.

 S Newell, C Tansley and J Huang (2001) The Design and Implementation of an ERP System: The Unexpected Debilitating Impact of Social Capital, Americas Conference on Information Systems, August 2001, Boston, USA. Best paper award.

 S-L Pan, A Cheung and J Huang (2001) Managing Knowledge Activities as part of E-Commerce Implementation: The Next Step after the ERP implementation, Americas Conference on Information Systems, August 2001, Boston, USA.

 J Huang, S Newell, R D Galliers and S-L Pan (2001) Enterprise Resource Planning and Knowledge Management Systems: Synergetic Solutions, The Tenth International Conference Information Systems Development (ISD), Royal Holloway, September 2001, Surrey.

 S-L Pan, S Newell, J Huang and A Cheung (2001) Knowledge integration as the key problem in an ERP implementation, International Conference on Information Systems, December 2001, New Orleans, USA. Nominated for best paper award.

J Kotlarsky (2001) Developing Internet-based Integrated Architecture for Managing Globally Distributed Software Development Projects, Proceeding of the Doctoral Consortium of the 13th Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE), Interlaken, Switzerland.

J Kotlarsky, J van Hillegersberg, and K Kumar (2001) Towards a Global Software Development Architecture, Proceeding of the 2001 IRMA International Conference, Toronto, Canada.

 A Martin (2001) Shaping IS development projects in the UK: drivers and decisions, Information Systems - in the Digital World, at M Roberts, M Moulton, S Hand, C Adams (ed) 6th UKAIS Conference, Zeus Press, University of Portsmouth, UK.

 A Martin (2001) Simulation/Game for Teaching IS Development, Information Systems - in the Digital World at M Roberts, M Moulton, S Hand and C Adams (ed) 6th UKAIS Conference, Zeus Press, University of Portsmouth, UK.

 Y Merali and D Snowden (2001) Clustering and Swarming as self-organising techniques in virtual communities at The London School of Economics Complexity Seminar, March 2001.

 Y Merali (2001) Creating a Knowledge Organisation at National Computing Conference on Shifting the Balance of Power, September 2001, Manchester.

 M Boisot and Y Merali (2001) Entropic Characteristics of Transient Organisational Forms at European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management 3rd Workshop on Complexity and Organization, The ‘Thermodynamics' of Social and Economic Networks, Brussels.

 Y Merali (2001) Knowledge Management in the Network Economy at Inaugural Conference of the Knowledge Management Network, National Computer Centre, May 2001.

 Y Merali (2001) Networks and Communities in the Information Space: Realising the Virtual at Business Applications of Peer-to-Peer Networking, December 2001, UNICOM, London.

 M Boisot and Y Merali (2001) The Heraclitan Firm: Towards a Theory of Transient Organization at 17th Colloquium of the European Group for Organisational Studies, Lyons.

 J Nandhakumar and R Vidgen (2001) Due process and the introduction of new technology: The institution of video - teleconferencing at N L Russo, B Fitzgerald, & J I DeGross (ed) Proceedings of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP Working Group 8.2) Conference, Chapman & Hall, Boise, Idaho, USA.

 J Nandhakumar and R Baskerville (2001) Trusting Online: Nurturing Trust in Virtual Teams. In Smithson at Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2001), Bled, Slovenia, 188 -194.