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Journal papers

 S Newell, J Huang, and C Tansley, ERP Implementation: A Knowledge Integration Challenge for the Project Team, Knowledge and Process Management (2008).

P Stacey and J Nandhakumar, A Temporal Perspective of Computer Game Development; Information Systems Journal (2008).

S Newell and L Edelman, Developing a Dynamic Project Learning and Cross-Project Learning Capability: Synthesizing Two Perspectives, Information Systems Journal

 E Wagner and S Newell, Exploring the importance of participation in the post-implementation period of an Enterprise System Project: A neglected area, Journal of the Association of Information Systems (forthcoming).

S Newell, A Goussevskaia, J Swan, M Bresnen, Managing interdependencies in complex project ecologies: The case of biomedical innovation, Long Range Planning.

S Newell, G David and D Chand, An analysis of trust among globally distributed work teams in an organizational setting, Knowledge and Process Management, 143 158-168 (forthcoming).

D David, D Chand, S Newell and J Resende-Santos, Integrated Collaboration across distributed sites: The perils of process and the promise of practice, Journal of Information Technology, (forthcoming).

I Oshri, S Newell and S Pan, Tensions and Conflicts of Implementing Knowledge Management Initiatives, CACM (forthcoming).

 J Huang (2007) Re-conceptualizing the Notion of Ambidexterity: From the Perspective of Information Processing, European Journal of International Management, 1(4) 372-387.

S-L Pan., C C Tan, J Huang and B Poulson (2007) The Development Paths of Non-Strategic Capabilities: Lessons from a Case Study, European Management Journal, 25(5) 344-358.

S-L Pan, S Newell, J Huang and R Galliers (2007) Overcoming Knowledge Management Challenges during ERP Implementation: The Need to Share and Integrate Different Types of Knowledge, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58(3) 404-419.

J Huang, S Newell, B Poulson and R D Galliers (2007) Creating Value from a Commodity Process: A Case Study of a Call Center, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 20(4) 396-413.

Y Merali (2007) On the Study of Complexity in Information Systems, International Journal of Information Technologies and the Systems Approach, 137-48.

I Allison and Y Merali (2007) Software process improvement as emergent change: A structurational analysis, Information and Software Technology, 49668-681.

Y Merali (2007) Stakeholder Network Dynamics and Emergent Trajectories of Lean Implementation Projects: A Study in the UK National Health Service, Public Money & Management, 2841-48.

R Baskerville and J Nandhakumar (2007) Activating Long-Term Virtual Teams: Now That We're Mobile, Where Do We Go? IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 5017-34.

P Stacey and J Nandhakumar (2007) Opening Up to Agile Games Development, Communications of the ACM.

I Ignatiadis and J Nandhakumar (2007) The Impact of Enterprise Systems on Organizational Control and Drift: A Human-Machine Agency Perspective, International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems, 3.

I Ignatiadis and J Nandhakumar (2007) The impact of Enterprise Systems on organizational resilience, Journal of Information Technology, 2236-43.

M J Ashleigh and J Nandhakumar (2007), Trust and technologies: Implications for information technology supported work practices, Decision Support Systems, 43607-617.

C Tansley and S Newell (2007) Project social capital, leadership and trust in human resource information systems development, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 22(4) 350-368.

J Swan, A Goussevskaia, S Newell, M Robertson, M Bresnen. and A Obembe (2007), Modes of Organizing Biomedical Innovation in the UK and US and the Role of Integrative and Relational Capabilities, Research Policy, 36(4) 529-547.

J Swan, M Bresnen, M Robertson and S Newell (2007) The object of knowledge: The role of objects in biomedical innovation, Human Relations, 60(12) 1809-1837.

C Tansley and S Newell (2007) A knowledge-based view of agenda formation in the development of human resource information systems, Management Learning, 38(1) 95-120.

J Huang, S Newell, B Poulson and R Galliers (2007) Creating Value from a Commodity Process: A Case Study of a Call Center, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 20(4) 396-413.

J Swan, S Newell, M Robertson, A Goussevskaia and M Bresnen (2007) The Role of Institutional Differences in Biomedical Innovation Processes: A comparison of the UK and US, International Journal of Health and Technology Management, 8(3-4) 333-353.

S-L Pan, S Newell, J Huang, and R Galliers (2007) Overcoming Knowledge Management Challenges during ERP Implementation: The Need to Share and Integrate Different Types of Knowledge, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58 (3) 404-419.

J Backhouse, J Baptista and C Hsu (2006) Rating Certificate Authorities: a market approach to the Lemons problem; Journal of IS Security, 23–14.

Y Merali and W McKelvey (2006) Using Complexity Science to Effect a Paradigm Shift in Information Systems for the 21st Century, Journal of Information Technology Special Issue on Complexity and Information Systems, 21211-215.

Y Merali (2006) Complexity and Information Systems: The Emergent Domain, Journal of Information Technology Special Issue on Complexity and Information Systems, 21216-228.

E Wagner. and S Newell (2006) Repairing ERP: Producing Social Order to create a working information system, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 42 (1) 40-57.

I Oshri, S Pan and S Newell (2006) Managing Trade-Offs and Tensions between Knowledge Management Initiatives and Expertise Development Practices, Management Learning, 37(1) 63-82.

S Newell, M Bresnen, L Edelman, H Scarbrough and J Swan (2006) Sharing knowledge across projects: Limits to ICT-led project review practices, Management Learning, 37(2) 167-185.

S Newell, J Huang and C Tansley (2006) ERP Implementation: A Knowledge Integration Challenge for the Project Team, Knowledge and Process Management, 31(4) 1-12.

A Martin (2006) Successful IT application architecture design: an empirical study, Information Systems and e-Business Management, 4107-135.

A Martin (2006) The Campus Information Game, Simulation and Gaming, Interdisciplinerary Journal, Sage Publications, California, 37124-133

J Nandhakumar and R Baskerville (2006) Durability of Online Teamworking: Patterns of Trust; Information Technology and People, 19371-389.

S Newell, M Bresnen, L Edelman, H Scarbrough and J Swan (2006) Sharing knowledge across projects: Limits to ICT-led project review practices, Management Learning, 37(2) 167-185.

J Backhouse, C Hsu, J Tseng and J Baptista (2005) A Question of Trust; Communications of the ACM, 4887–91.

A Martin (2005) Dynamic custom module support web site; Interactions, University of Warwick, Coventry 9.

A Martin (2005) A Personalised conference programme advisor, OR Insight, 1822-30.

J Nandhakumar, M Rossi and J Talvinen (2005) The Dynamics of contextual forces of ERP implementation; Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 14221-242.

D Howcroft, S Newell and E Wagner (2005) Understanding the Contextual Influences on Enterprise Systems (Part II), Special issue editorial, Journal of Strategic Information Systems 14(2) 91-242.

I Oshri, S Pan and S Newell (2005) Trade-offs between knowledge exploitation and knowledge exploration activities, Knowledge Management Research and Practice, 3(1) 10-23.

 S Newell, J Cooprider, G David, L Edelman. and T Logan (2005) Analyzing Different Strategies to Enterprise System Adoption: Reengineering-led versus Quick Deployment, International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems, 1(2) 1-16.

M Bresnen, L Edelman, S Newell, H Scarbrough and J Swan (2005) Exploring social capital in the construction firm, Building Research and Information, 33(3) 235-244.

 S Newell (2005) Knowledge Transfer and Learning: Problems of Knowledge Transfer Associated with trying to Short-Circuit the Learning Cycle, Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, 2(3) 275-290.

I Oshri and S Newell (2005) Component sharing in complex products and systems: Challenges, solutions and practical implications, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 52(4) 509-521.

P Love, D Edwards, J Huang., and Z Irani (2004) Nurturing a Learning Organisation in Construction: Strategic Shift, Organisational Transformation, Customer Orientation and Quality Centered Learning, Construction Innovation: Information, Process and Management, 4(2) 113-126.

S Newell, C Tansley and J Huang (2004) Social Capital and Knowledge Integration in an ERP Project: The Importance of Bridging and Bonding, British Journal of Management, 15Special Issue 43-57.

 A Martin (2004) Addressing the Gap between Theory and Practice: IT project design, Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application, 623-41.]

L Edelman., M Bresnen, S Newell, H Scarbrough and J Swan (2004) The Benefits and Pitfalls of Social Capital: Empirical Evidence from Two Organizations in the United Kingdom, British Journal of Management, 1559-69.

 S Newell, J Huang and C Tansley (2004) Social Capital and Knowledge Integration in an ERP Project Team: The Importance of Bridging AND Bonding, British Journal of Management, 1543-57.

 S Newell (2004) Enhancing Cross-Project Learning, Engineering Management Journal, 16(1) 12-20.

H Scarbrough, M Bresnen, L Edelman, S Newell and J Swan (2004) The processes of project-based learning: An exploratory study, Management Learning, 35(4) 491-506.

H Scarbrough, J Swan, S Laurent, M Bresnen, L Edelman and S Newell (2004) Project-based learning and the role of learning boundaries, Organization Studies, 25(9) 1579-1600.

E Wagner and S Newell (2004) 'Best' for Whom?:The tension between best practice erp packages and the epistemic cultures of an Ivy league university, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 13(4) 91-96.

D Howcroft, S Newell and E Wagner (2004) Special issue editorial, Understanding the Contextual Influences on Enterprise System Design, Implementation, Use and Evaluation, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 13(4) 271-419.

H Scarbrough, M Bresnen, L Edelman, S Laurent, S Newell and J Swan (2004) The process of project-based learning: an exploratory study, Management Learning, 35(4) 491-506.

L Edelman, M Bresnen, S Newell, H Scarbrough and J Swan (2004) The benefits and pitfalls of social capital: Empirical evidence from two organizations in the United Kingdom, British Journal of Management, 15S59-S69.

P Dawson and J Huang (2003) Organizing Knowledge and Political Process: Reconfiguration in the Context of BPR, International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management, 1(4) 373-388.

 J Huang, S Newell, R D Galliers and S-L Pan (2003) Dangerous Liaison: Component-Based Development and Organizational Subucltures, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 50(1) 89-99.

 J Huang and S Newell (2003) Knowledge Integration Processes and Dynamics within the Context of Cross-Functional Projects, International Journal of Project Management, 23(1) 167-176.

 A Martin (2003) Adding Value to simulation/games through internet mediation: the Medium and the Message, Simulation and Gaming: an Interdisciplinary Journal, 3423-38.

 A Martin (2003) What Drives the configuration of Information Systems Development projects? Exploratory Research in ten organizations, Journal of Information Technology, 181-15.

G Shoib and J Nandhakumar (2003) Cross-cultural IS adoption in multinational corporations, Journal of Information Technology for Development, 10249-260.

 J Nandhakumar and R Montealegre (2003) Guest editorial: Social and organizational aspects of internet-based information systems; Information Systems Journal, 13109-111.

 S Newell, L Edelman, H Scarbrough, J Swan and M Bresnen (2003) Best practice' development and transfer in the NHS: the importance of process as well as product knowledge, Health Services Management Research, 161-12.

R Galliers and S Newell (2003) Back to the future: from knowledge management to data management, Information Systems and e-Business Management, 1(1) 5-14.

M Bresnen, L Edelman, S Newell, H Scarbrough and J Swan (2003) Social practices and the management of knowledge in project environments, International Journal of Project Management, 21157-166.

 S Newell and J Huang (2003) Knowledge integration and dynamics within the context of cross-functional projects, International Journal of Project Management, 21167-176.

J Huang, S Newell, R D Galliers and S-L Pan (2003) Dangerous Liaisons? Component-Based Development and Organizational Subcultures, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 50(1) 89-99.

J Huang, E Makoju, S Newell and R Galliers (2003) Opportunities to Learn from ‘Failure’ with E-Commerce: A Case Study of Electronic Banking, Journal of Information Technology, 1817-26.

S Newell, L Edelman, H Scarbrough, J Swan and M Bresnen (2003) 'Best practice' development and transfer in the NHS: the importance of process as well as product knowledge, Health Services Management Research, 161-12.

 J Huang, E Makoju, S Newell and R D Galliers (2002) Opportunities to Learn from ‘Failure’ with E-Commerce: A Case Study of Electronic Banking, Journal of Information Technology, 18(1) 17-26.

S Newell, J Huang, R D Galliers and S-L Pan (2002) Implementing Enterprise Resource Planning and Knowledge Management Systems in Tandem: Fostering Efficiency and Innovation Complementarity, Information & Organization, 13(1) 25-52.

P Devadoss, S-L Pan and J Huang (2002) Structurational Analysis of E-Government Initiative: A Case Study of SCO, Decision Support Systems, 34(3) 253-269.

M Meadows and Y Merali (2002) Process Improvement with Vision: A financial services case study, Journal of Systemic Practice and Action Research, 16 171-195.

 Y Merali (2002) The Role of Boundaries in Knowledge Processes, The European Journal of Information Systems, 11 47-60.

M Schwarz and J Nandhakumar (2002) Conceptualizing the development of Strategic Ideas: A Grounded Theory Analysis, British Journal of Management, 1367-82.

 J Nandhakumar and M Jones (2002) Development gain? Participant observation in interpretive management information systems research, Qualitative Research, 2323-341.

 J Nandhakumar (2002) Managing time in a Software Factory: Temporal and spatial organization of IS development activities, The Information Society, 18251-262.

 S Newell, S Pan, R Galliers and J Huang (2002) The myth of the boundaryless organization: Limitations of collaborative technologies in global firms. Communications of the CACM, 44(12) 74-76.

 S Newell, J Huang, R D Galliers and S L Pan (2002) Implementing enterprise resource planning and knowledge management systems: fostering efficiency and innovation complementarity, Information and Organization, 13 (1) 25-52.

C Foster and S Newell (2002) Managing diversity and equal opportunities – some practical implications, Business and Professional Ethics Journal, 21(2).

 J Huang, Sue Newell, Shan-Ling Pan, B Poulson (2001) ERP systems implementation: A knowledge-focused perspective, Journal of Decision Systems, 10(1) 99-117.

 J Huang, S Newell and S-L Pan (2001) The Process of Global Knowledge Integration: A Case Study of a Multinational Investment Bank’s Y2K Program, European Journal of Information Systems, 10 (3) 161-174.

S Newell, S-L Pan, R D Galliers and J Huang (2001) The Myth of the Boundaryless Organization: Limitations of Collaborative Technologies in Global Firms, Communications of the ACM, 44(12) 74-76.

 J Huang, B Poulson, S Newell and S-L Pan (2001) ERP Systems Implementation: A Knowledge-focused Perspective, Journal of Decision Systems, 10(1) 99-117.

 Y Merali (2001) Individual and Collective Congruence in the Knowledge Management Process, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Special Issue on Knowledge Management.

 S Newell, J Swan and H Scarbrough (2001) From global knowledge management to internal electronic fences: Contradictory outcomes of intranet development, British Journal of Management, 12(2) 97-112.

M Robertson, S Newell, J Swan, L Mathiassen and G Bjerknes (2001) Gender within the field of Information Technology: A comparison of the UK and Scandinavian experience, Information Systems Journal, 11111-126.

 S Newell, J Swan and K Kautz (2001) The Role of Funding Bodies in the Creation and Diffusion of Management Fads and Fashions, Organization, 8(1) 97-120.

 S Newell, M Robertson and J Swan (2001) Management fads and fashions Editorial for Special Issue of Organization, 8(1) 5-15.

R Galliers and S Newell (2001) Electronic commerce and strategic change within organizations: Lessons from 2 cases, Journal of Global Information Management, 9(3) 15-22.

C Tansley, S Newell and H Williams (2001) Effecting HRM-style practices through an integrated human resource information system: an e-greenfield site?, Personnel Review, 30(3) 351-370.

J Huang and S Newell (2001) The process of global knowledge integration: A case study of a multinational bank’s Y2K program, European Journal of Information Systems, 10(3) 161-174.