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Research Panel of the OR Society

ORMS group member Dr Arne Strauss has been selected in a highly competitive process for membership in the newly created Research Panel of the Operational Research Society.

The stated goal of the Research Panel is to improve the health of OR research in the UK. This will cover monitoring and building the research people pipeline; securing stronger engagement with research funders, including the research councils; enabling more successful applications for research funding and the encouragement of research collaboration both within academe and with end users.

Wed 15 Jun 2016, 17:30 | Tags: strauss

AACSB Advisory Group

The Academic Director of our MSc Business Analytics, Dr Arne Strauss, has been named to the Analytics Curriculum Advisory Group of the AACSB, the prestigious accrediting body of business schools worldwide. The new advisory group is tasked with providing guidance in developing services to help accelerate the creation and enhance the quality of analytics degree programs in business schools. Dr Strauss will contribute to the upcoming AACSB Data Analytics Seminar in Amsterdam in April 2016.

Dr Arne Strauss is Associate Professor of Operational Research at Warwick Business School. In his role as Academic Director of the MSc Business Analytics program since 2011, he redesigned the curriculum and formed new strategic partnerships with IBM and SAS that include involvement of both companies in course delivery. He serves as external examiner of the MSc Business Analytics program at Imperial College London. Jointly with two colleagues from Computer Science and Social Sciences at the University of Warwick, he recently won a highly competitive IBM Faculty Award of $20,000 to develop an interdisciplinary workshop on the ethics of big data and challenges of data linkage.

AACSB International—The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business is a global, nonprofit membership organization of educational institutions, businesses, and other entities devoted to the advancement of management education. Established in 1916, AACSB International provides its members with a variety of products and services to assist them with the continuous improvement of their business programs and schools.

Tue 22 Mar 2016, 17:24 | Tags: strauss

H2020 Funding Success

A funding bid to the European Commission's Horizon 2020 was successful: starting from March 2016, a team led by Dr Arne Strauss in the ORMS Group at WBS will work together with two other teams based in Germany and Serbia, respectively, to develop coordinated capacity ordering and trajectory pricing for Air Traffic Management.

The team at Warwick will focus on the development of the underpinning mathematical models, control policies and their evaluation. A Research Fellow position at postdoctoral level will support the team over a period of two years; please find the job advert here.

Call: H2020-SESAR-2015-1
Funding volume: 534,158 Euros (220,656 Euros for Warwick)

Mon 21 Dec 2015, 15:26 | Tags: grant, strauss

IBM Faculty Award

IBM has awarded a $20,000 grant to a team consisting of Maria Liakata (Computer Science Warwick), Emma Uprichard (Q-Step Centre Warwick) and Arne Strauss (Warwick Business School) to develop a three day workshop on ethics of big data and data linkage.

The IBM Faculty Awards is a competitive worldwide program intended to:

Click here for the full story.

Mon 02 Nov 2015, 11:52 | Tags: IBM, strauss

Conference success

At the annual VeRoLog conference in Vienna, Dr Vladimir Deineko was awarded third prize in the second international Vehicle Solver Challenge 2015, on vehicle routing and logistics optimization. The challenge was organised by EURO Working Group, and the well-known multinational logistic company PTV.

His success is an important achievement in the very competitive world of logistics and optimisation software.

Tue 23 Jun 2015, 09:14

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