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Partnership with SAS on Big Data Analytics

Businesses store massive amounts of unstructured data in the form of electronic text, e.g. social media content, emails, service notes, customer reviews, etc. According to SAS, a leader provider of business analytics software and services and the largest independent vendor in the business intelligence market, such data can make up to 90 percent of all business data. How to take advantage of this Big Data?

Text analytics provides an answer by using sophisticated linguistic rules and statistical methods to evaluate text, discover topics and patterns within entire document collections, locate sentiment of electronic text in real time from websites, emails etc to spot trends and customer priorities, and much more. Using text analytics, you can interpret customers' opinions, improve products, optimize services, streamline processes and make proactive, fact-based decisions.

Members of the Operational Research & Management Science group at WBS have teamed up with SAS to provide an entire module dedicated text analytics on the MSc in Business Analytics & Consulting programme. The module will be jointly taught and covers predictive modelling techniques using SAS software, model assessment and implementation, report writing, the SAS Text Miner tool and applications. Hands-on exercises and case studies will ensure a learning experience that is both academically challenging and practically relevant.

Moreover, WBS also provides access to extensive, extra-curricular e-learning materials on SAS programming and SQL querying that students can study at their own leisure, and supports students in obtaining official SAS Programmer certifications which, if successfully achieved, will greatly enhance employability prospects. SAS skills have never been in greater demand in the UK and are heavily used in the Financial, Retail and Government sectors. To see for yourself, go to any major UK job website and search for “SAS” (e.g.,

Wed 03 Jul 2013, 11:48 | Tags: SAS, strauss, company

Base SAS Certification Exam Tutorial

Consultants from the SAS Institute will give a Base SAS Certification Exam tutorial this Friday, 24th May, in D0.04/D0.05, WBS Scarman Rd building, starting at 9am.

This workshop is intented for those students on the MSc MSOR or MSc BAC programmes who intend to obtain the Base SAS Programmer certification; it will prepare you for the certificate exam. To be helpful for all participants, it is important that you have prepared yourself by going through the e-learning material provided - it is not intended to be an introductory workshop to SAS programming.

Please make sure that you register here.

Please register only if you intend to come (there will be an attendance list), because if too few participants show up, SAS will likely not offering this any more in the future.

Wed 22 May 2013, 09:48 | Tags: SAS, strauss

Top 28 world-wide for Statistics and Operational Research

The University of Warwick was ranked 28th globally in Statistics & Operational Research by the QS World University Ranking 2014, after being ranked 30th globally in the previous year. Within the UK, we are 4th after Cambridge, Oxford and Imperial College London.

More details can be found here.

Fri 17 May 2013, 10:34

SAS Workshop

Three consultants from SAS will visit campus on the 20th of March to talk about analytics and to demonstrate some tools including SAS Visual Analytics and SAS Social Media Analytics (please find the provisional agenda below). The session starts about 1:30pm in M1 in the WBS Teaching Centre.

Arne Strauss


About SAS (5mins)

Analytics in business and government (30mins)

∙ Operational analytics

∙ Marketing analytics

∙ Management analytics

∙ Strategic analytics

Critical challenges of our time: Big Data (30mins)

∙ Volume, velocity and variety

∙ High Performance Analytics

∙ SAS Visual Analytics demonstration

BREAK (15mins)

Critical challenges of our time: subjective data (30mins)

∙ The value of user generated content

∙ The challenge subjective data

∙ SAS Social Media Analytics demo

A career in analytics (30mins)

∙ The sexiest job of the next decade

∙ The economic environment for statisticians

∙ A new profession in the offing?

∙ Not being average - the value of certification

Questions (15mins)

Mon 18 Mar 2013, 11:26 | Tags: strauss, company

News on the Disaster 2.0 project

The first of two Masterclasses was held at Maple House, Birmingham on 5th – 6th November 2012. The Masterclass brought together emergency management officials to share their lessons and experiences of using social media to protect the public and build their resilience.

31 representatives from emergency management and government organisations across the EU participated in the two-day event.

Click on the title to obtain more information on this event.

Mon 28 Jan 2013, 16:20 | Tags: grant

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