IB9V60 Discrete Event Simulation
The current University of Warwick module catalogue entry for this module can be found by searching the catalogue here: https://courses.warwick.ac.uk/Link opens in a new window
IMPORTANT: Technology Requirements:
To participate fully in this module you will need to run some software that is currently only available for Windows computers.
Mac Users: you will need to set up a Windows virtual machine on your Mac.
You can obtain a free copy of VMWare Fusion that allows you to do this by visiting https://warwick.ac.uk/services/its/servicessupport/software/list/vmapLink opens in a new window . You will also need a copy of Microsoft Windows which you can also download for free via https://warwick.ac.uk/services/its/servicessupport/software/microsoft/windows10studentLink opens in a new window .
You can find instructions on setting up a Windows Virtual Machine (VM) at https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1011677Link opens in a new window . This should be quite straightforward. If you have problems please note that neither the Warwick nor WBS Helpdesk will be able to help you with this but you can find support on the VMware Knowledge Base - https://kb.vmware.com/s/Link opens in a new window .
If you get stuck please contact the WBS Helpdesk on help@wbs.ac.uk Link opens in a new windowwho may be able to advise on alternative solutions.