Dementia research
How can we stop dementias like Alzheimer's from taking hold?
Dementia research at the University of Warwick
Right now, nearly one in six people in the UK are over 65, and one in three will develop dementia. The most common form is Alzheimer's disease, and sadly there isn't a cure for it yet. In 10 years’ time, 1 million people in the UK will have dementia
If you've ever had a friend or family member affected by it, you'll know how devastating it can be. Symptoms include memory loss, mood changes and problems with communicating and reasoning - and it can feel like the person you know is slowly drifting away.
Your donations help our experts to work on ways to diagnose and treat dementias like Alzheimer's.
Many people think that Alzheimer’s is just an inevitable part of old age – but it isn’t. It’s one of many neurodegenerative disorders, and one day we think they’ll be treatable, like many other life-threatening diseases.
We’re investigating the role of trace metals like iron in the brain to see how they can help us better understand, diagnose, and thereby treat dementia early on. Even though we’re a small team, our research is internationally renowned and we’re making a difference.
Last year £10,000 in donations helped us to hire Dr James Everett, a talented postdoctoral researcher. James’s research demonstrated how iron chemistry in the brain is disrupted by a hallmark process in Alzheimer’s disease. This gives us better information about what can be detected in brain scans to enable earlier diagnosis, and clearer ideas about how future treatment could protect against damage associated with the process.
James’ work has helped us to win a major project grant from the EPSRC, and time at international research facilities such as the Advanced Light Source in Berkeley, USA, and the Diamond Light Source, UK, to continue our work.
These are all significant steps forward, and it was donations which helped make these advances possible. Thank you to everyone who donates. We look forward to proving your faith in us worthwhile.
Dr Joanna Collingwood
School of Engineering