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In Conversation With Dipo Faloyin

Wednesday 19th June at 16:00 BST (Online)

Dipo Faloyin is a journalist and author of 'Africa Is Not a Country'. His writing has appeared in VICE, the Guardian, Esquire, Newsweek, the New York Times, and elsewhere.

The University's Warwick in Africa programme, under the auspices of the Warwick Africa Hub, invites you to join what we are sure will be an interesting and thought-provoking conversation between Dipo and Milton Nkosi, a renowned South African journalist and former BBC Africa Bureau Analyst and Correspondent.

Student volunteers and teaching staff at our partner schools will be participating in this event as an integral part of the training and preparation for school placements this summer. Dipo Faloyin wrote about ‘the birth of white saviour imagery or how not to be a white saviour while still making a difference’ in a chapter of his recent book ‘Africa is not a Country’,

This event is open to anyone and all attendees will be warmly encouraged to take part in a Q&A session to conclude the event.

Click to register for this event hosted on Microsoft TeamsLink opens in a new window.

You will receive your invitation link by e-mail before the event begins.

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About the speaker

Dipo Faloyin is a senior editor and writer at VICE, where his work has a specific focus on culture, race and identity across Europe, the Middle East and Africa. He was born in Chicago, raised in Lagos and currently lives in London.

'Africa is not a country' is Dipo's first book. It is a portrait of modern Africa which pushes back against harmful stereotypes to tell a more comprehensive story.