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EUTOPIA Communities

Connected Learning Communities are one of Eutopia’s most valuable achievements. They provided a practical and flexible solution for fostering collaboration among students, especially during the pandemic. As integrated Connected Communities now focusing on both learning and research, our Communities are proving to be innovative tools by uniting education, research, and place-making stakeholders to address rapidly changing educational needs and overcome national regulations on joint programmes.

Professor Tiziana Lippiello (President of EUTOPIA) interviewed on EUTOPIA Day 2024Link opens in a new window.

Born out of the EUTOPIA 2050 initiative, Connected Learning Communities (CLCs) are thematically coherent hubs that connect academic staff and students across our EUTOPIA partners. They regularly organise cross-university activities for students. CLCs enable staff to exchange knowledge and resources with partners, and add value to the student experience by providing opportunities for at-home internationalisation. By participating in some selected activities of the CLCs, Warwick students can also earn points for their Warwick Award.

The new Integrated Connected Communities (CCs) are a product of the EUTOPIA More action and combine learning and research. Similarly to the CLCs, they are centred around a specific theme or themes. They provide an opportunity for academics across EUTOPIA to do research together and to add value to their respective curricula by organising joint activities for their students.

There are 30 EUTOPIA Connected Learning Communities and 10 Integrated Connected Communities (plus 10 new ones joining soon). Warwick leads or is a participating member in twenty-four communities. Academics can join a CLC/CC to work and exchange resources with partner institutions.

If you are interested in getting involved, please contact the EUTOPIA Local Facilitator, Dr Mélina Delmas:

Testimonials from Warwick students involved in the Legal History Learning Community

Watch Tea's testimony (University of Warwick) - see next box! She shares her experience of sitting on the organising committee of the 2023 Multilingualism and Diversity Student Conference:

Led by Warwick

Multilingualism & Diversity

This community is made up of experts from our EUTOPIA partners, bringing interdisciplinary learning to explore key issues of Multilingualism and Diversity.

 Lead by: Jo Angouri

Partner: David Orrego-Carmona

TA: Mélina Delmas

Thinking Through the Silk Roads, Cross-Cultural Exchanges and Mobilities

This community proposes an innovative framework for the study of cultural productions, visual arts and performances, cultural heritage and geocultural politics, emergent in the broad context of old and new Silk Roads.

Lead: Milija Gluhovic

Global Health

This community is concerned with issues in public health from an interdisciplinary angle, and the relationship between the local relevance of global complex problem.

Lead: Debbi Marais

Partners: Bronwyn Harris, Philip Anyanwu, Daniel Todkill.

TA: Pauline Rimui

Urban Catastrophes: Vulnerability, Disasters and Urban Resilience since the 19th Century

This community will introduce students to urban history by focussing on the most extreme examples of urban crises since the pre-modern era.

 Lead: Pierre Purseigle

TA: Eliza Cubitt

Global Connections: A Transdisciplinary Approach

The community offers a transdisciplinary approach to learning through an innovative and research-led discussion format that encourages students to share insights as co-collaborators.

Lead: Heather Meyer

TA: Mélina Delmas

Leading Strategic Innovation in Healthcare

This Community is situated within an online programme of learning which supports the development of knowledge and skills in service improvement and innovation in healthcare.

 Lead: Helen Bevan

With Warwick presence

Europe in the World

This community provides an interdisciplinary understanding of Europe’s role in the world. It draws on a range of approaches in the social sciences and the humanities.

 Partner: Christian Soegaard

Legal History

Within this community, students collaborate across universities in Europe and respective student groups on common themes through the use of active learning methods.

 Partner: Rosie Doyle

Veganism Vs Animal Protein Consumption

This community explores the conflicts encountered by individuals engaged in different areas of the animal industry.

Partner: Wes Lin

Quantum Technologies Initiative

The central task of this community is to establish the "EUTOPIA Quantum Technologies Initiative", by capitalising on the existing scientific and teaching cooperation between a number of EUTOPIA partners.

 Partner: Rudo Roemer & Gavin Morley

FATE: Fairness, Accountability and Transparency in Data Processing

The Community is based on courses from Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), University of Warwick (WU) and CY Cergy-Paris (CY

 Partner: Noortje Marres

Data & Critical Thinking

The Community will help Students gain skills and practice to confront this avalanche of data and argumentation, recognise biases in others and reduce your own, and ultimately become a better decision-maker and advocate.

 Partner: Robert MacKay

Text and Discourse Analysis

The community brings together students from different European universities, offering them an opportunity to put their discourse and language skills into practice in a virtual Language Café

 Partner: Katherine Astbury

Nursing care in complex care situations

The community is focused on guiding students towards the development of knowledge and understanding in advanced nursing care in complex care situations.

Partner: Greg Moorlock

Inequalities in Contemporary Societies

This community is composed of teachers and researchers from different universities in Europe who are active in areas of sociology, economics, and political science.

 Partner: Marta Guerriero

Design and Science

This Community is situated within the context of a transdisciplinary summer school focusing on building an understanding of visual communication design in correlation with various scientific fields.

 Partners: Adela Glyn-Davies & Ed Loveman

Francophonies et rapport au "reste du monde"

This CC looks into norms and language variations, evolution and dissemination of French-language literature, education or linguistic policies, taking into account the contemporary debate the francophonie concept is currently facing.

 Partner: Margaux


Managing migration

This community provides students with an introduction to this key global challenge experiences at all levels – internationally, nationally, regionally and at the local level.

Partners: Vicki Squire & Dallal Stevens

Environmental Humanities

This community is devoted to the innovative paradigm of the Environmental Humanities

Partners: Jonathan Skinner, Graeme Macdonald & Nicholas Lawrence

Urban Education

This Community gives an insight into the debates, assets, and challenges of education in a metropolitan city

 Partner: Andy Hind

Artificial Intelligence

This community offers participatory learning opportunities at various study levels in Artificial Intelligence.

 Partner: Michael Castelle

Science, Art & Community

This CC focuses on multidisciplinary scientific exploration, as well as transdisciplinarity by using art as a communication tool of scientific finds.

Partners: Camilla Audia & Jessica Savage

Agile in Biomechanics

This project aims to bridge academic research with societal needs by implementing practical projects that address real-world challenges, such as the loosening of implants. 

 Partner: Arnab Palit

Bioimage Analysis

The key focus of this CC is the improvement of the analysis of microscopy images for basic research with a strong emphasis on biological and medical perspectives.

 Partner: Till Bretschneider

Without Warwick presence currently