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EUTOPIA Co-tutelle Opportunities


The EUTOPIA Alliance is formed of ten university partners and Co-Tutelle PhD Scholarships are part of a number of EUTOPIA funding opportunities, funding joint PhDs, co-supervised between a candidate’s home university and a second participating EUTOPIA institution. The programme promotes high-quality research projects with global impact and provides exciting research opportunities for PhD candidates.

For 2025-26 we welcome applications for Co-Tutelle PhD Scholarships between Warwick and five EUTOPIA partner universities as either Home or Host. Applications are accepted via the Home institution only

The participating institutions are: Babes-Bolyai University (Cluj); Ca’Foscari University of Venice; CY Cergy Paris Université; NOVA University Lisbon and University of Ljubljana.

Additionally, we welcome applications for Co-Tutelle PhD Scholarships between Warwick and TU Dresden, with TU being the Host only

The programme promotes high-quality research projects with global impact and provides exciting research opportunities for PhD candidates. Since 2020, this doctoral study programme has supported 37 students to research at Warwick (either as home or host institution).

We welcome applications in all research areas, co- supervised by academics of the EUTOPIA member universities. Applications must be made by prospective academic supervisors only. Applications will be assessed on the following:

  • Quality of the proposed research project
  • Qualification of the research team
  • Added value of the Co-Tutelle
  • Institutional pertinence of the proposal

Apply by 25 April 2025, Results are expected to be communicated in June 2025.

Further enquiries may be sent to

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What are the benefits to PhD Co-Tutelles?

The joint programme runs between two world-class research universities and offers access to common training and academic exchange activities. We asked scholars who had taken part of the Co-tutelle at Warwick to provide an insight into their experience.

Silvia Naydenova


My career and research have greatly benefited from my ability to collaborate with various academics and groups, as well as attend esteemed conferences and doctoral school training. These experiences have been invaluable to my PhD, helping me build a significant network and acquire necessary skills. Some of these collaborations have even led to opportunities for publication and further work.

The opportunities to travel and to make connections with other academics and to speak about my research.

To read more about Silvia's project 'Benchmarking and social inclusion in CEE states: the implications of EU-funded activation projects' please click here.

Warwick Supervisor: Alexandra Homolar

Department: Politics and International Studies

Sajjad Maleki


Having two supervisors from two different universities and slightly different expertise is definitely helpful in coming up with more innovative research contributions. Also, belonging to two research groups makes you feel a bit more confident than the other PhDs because you realise you have the essence of both research teams in yourself.

Learning how to be more inclusive and cope with a variety of people. Also, meeting many like-minded scholars.

To read more about Sajjad's project '(WALL-EE) Wide-area Adaptive control in InteLLigent cyber-physical power systems exploiting dEEp reinforcement learning' please click here.

Warwick Supervisor: Subhash Lakshminarayana

Department: Engineering

Lara Barzon


I sometimes found it complex to navigate the different time schedules that the two universities require, as they are two very different models. As a result, I sometimes had to redo the same task with different formats, or take courses at both universities. Although this can complicate time management, I recognise that it is also a way of gaining broader knowledge of the workings and expectations of different universities, providing good experience to support future choices. Furthermore, I find it infinitely productive to have an exchange with my two supervisors, who are both present throughout the process and provide advice from a different starting point.

Without a doubt, having the Eutopia co-tutelle is not only a scholarship but also means being part of a community that expands beyond the two universities that serve as my home.

To read more about Lara's 'Aesthetics and politics of decolonial practices in contemporary dance in three continents: Uruguay, the USA and Italy' project please click here

Warwick Supervisor: Milija Gluhovic

Department: School of Creative Arts, Performance and Visual Cultures

What are the benefits to PhD Co-Tutelles?

The joint programme runs between two world-class research universities and offers access to common training and academic exchange activities. We asked scholars who had taken part of the Co-tutelle at Warwick to provide an insight into their experience.

Broadening and Deepening Learning

Eva-Rosa Ferrand Verdejo, Postgraduate (Research) Film & Television Studies, CY Cergy Paris University and University of Warwick, found that not only did the programme offer the possibility of belonging to two different “fields” (Hispanic studies in France and Film and TV studies in the UK), but it offered access to the resources of two different universities. Through her Co-tutelle programme Eva-Rose will receive a double diploma from two different universities and, in her case, from two different departments.

The Rewards of Taking on the Co-tutelle Challenge

Mara Anselmo-Santana, Postgraduate (Research) Film & Television Studies CY Cergy Paris University/ University of Warwick found that two supervisors, who not only have different areas of expertise but who also work differently, both wonderful and challenging. She found it particularly interesting to have different insights to consider and resources to access. Being immersed in an even more international environment than a single university, broadened her horizons and started honing her professional and personal skills.

International Networks

Laura Vansina, Postgraduate (Research) FT, Politics & International Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)/ University of Warwick found the Co-tutelle program allowed her to combine ’the best of both worlds’. Pursuing a PhD at both the University of Warwick and VUB let her discover the Anglosaxon and continental traditions of academia. During her journey, she would immerse herself in the most valuable pieces of both traditions and broadened her network with peers from all around the globe.

“Be prepared for a Co-tutelle PhD. It is both Interesting and challenging at the same time. Working with two universities means that you will have two sets of advice and suggestions and you need to share your progress with both universities. But if you are organised, and enjoy collaborative working, the programme opportunities are far greater than normal PhDs”. - Khoa Bui (Postgraduate Research Student at WMG)

Application Results for Co-tutelle application 2024

Application results for 2024 are available to download using the button below.

Application Results

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