Women in STEM

Women in STEM
Women in STEM
Since the British Council launched its Women in STEM scholarship programme in 2021, the University has been part of the programme working to benefit women from the Americas, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Egypt, Turkey and Ukraine.
How does this scholarship programme work?
The ambition of the scholarship programme is to develop a generation of female role models to inspire future generations of women to pursue careers in STEM.
Women in Climate Science
Maria Farooq, a climate scientist from Pakistan, considers her STEM scholarship award a huge privilege and responsibility. She completed her BSc in Environmental Sciences at Pakistan’s Quaid-e-Azam University, training in environmental risk analysis under the supervision of specialists. The insights she gained of the risks of climate change convinced her to apply for a British Council scholarship to Warwick to continue her research.
Professional Development
For Maria winning a scholarship to the University of Warwick's school of life sciences has allowed her to enhance her skills. She will return to Pakistan and apply her new knowledge and skills to benefit those in poverty who bear the greatest impact climate change.
Knowledge and skills transfer
Because women are more prone to experience poverty, they are most vulnerable to climate disasters. Maria is focusing on engaging women in weather and climate services so they can make informed decisions about food security, disaster risk reduction, water resources management, and public health issues that affect their community. Putting women at the heart of such decisions will build resilient societies, for a more sustainable and secure future.
"I have faced hurdles and challenges in my career path, but sometimes you have to go beyond your fear to see the beauty on the other side. Luckily, I have a great support system and because of them, I am at the University today. Through sheer determination I rose to the challenge and passed through the obstacles – all I had to do was be brave.” - Maria Farooq
Scholarship Details
This scholarship programme aims to increase opportunities in STEM for girls and women. According to data from the UN Scientific Education and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), fewer than 30 percent of researchers worldwide are women and only 30 percent of female students select STEM-related fields in higher education.
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Our team coordinates bids on behalf of the University to generate additional funding opportunities for current and prospective students. We arrange welcome events and celebrate the achievements of the scholars.
Find out more about the Sponsor Engagement team or email for more information: sponsors@warwick.ac.uk .
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