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Warwick People

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In Memoriam: Professor Jeff Harrison

The University is saddened to report the death of Warwick’s first Chair of the Statistics department, Professor Harrison. Here Jim Smith, who was once Jeff's PhD student and then his colleague, shares his memories…

Mon 16 Sept 2013, 12:29 | Tags: Former staff, In Memoriam, Science

In Memoriam: Janet Gardner

We regret to announce the recent death of Janet Gardner, an ex-member of Library staff who took early retirement in 2009. Janet had been with the University since 1979 and was well-known and liked across the University. There will be a thanksgiving service to celebrate Janet's life on Friday 27 September at 2.30 pm at St. Mary Magdalene's Church, Vicarage Road, Lillington, Leamington Spa.

Thu 12 Sept 2013, 15:43 | Tags: Former staff, In Memoriam