In Memoriam: Rosemary Starkings
Rosemary Starkings, former Warwick student and wife of Dennis Starkings, a senior lecturer in Religious Education at the University, passed away on 14 November 2011. Rosemary was a student in the Warwick Philosophy Department in the early 1970s, and was President of the Philosophy Society. She was a good friend of the late Professor Joan Browne, who was Principal of Coventry College of Education.
Rosemary's husband Dennis Starkings was a senior lecturer in Religious Education in the former Arts Education Department at Warwick. Some colleagues in the Institute of Education worked with Dennis and knew Rosemary.
A service for Rosemary will be held at All Saints’ Church, Vicarage Field, Warwick, CV34 5NL, at 3pm on Tuesday 29 November. Everyone welcome.
The committal will have taken place in the morning at Sun Rising Natural Burial Ground, near Tysoe and is for family only.
Should anyone wish to write to Dennis, please contact Bob Jackson for his address.