Warwick Farewell: Professor Koen Lamberts
After 15 years at Warwick, the University wishes a fond farewell to Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost Professor Koen Lamberts who leaves Warwick on Monday 30 September to take up the role of Vice-Chancellor at the University of York.
Koen joined Warwick from Birmingham in 1998. He became Head of Psychology in 2000, and was elected as Chair of the Board of the Faculty of Science in 2007. He was appointed Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research in 2009 and in February 2012 was appointed as Deputy-Vice-Chancellor and Provost.
His friends and colleagues have many fond memories of him from his years at Warwick. An (anonymous) selection of them are below….
You were one of the first academics I met at Warwick. It was an exciting period and Warwick was full of infinite new possibilities. Thanks for joining me on the journey!
He always sorted out the issues that you just couldn't make up if you tried!! There's always the funny side...
I enjoyed working together to find pragmatic and creative solutions to the various challenges presented - thank you for your patience!
I’ll remember his ability to retain his sense of humour in the face of extreme challenges, his loyalty and his thoughtfulness.
Vice-Chancellor Professor Nigel Thrift said:
I know I speak on behalf of Koen’s many friends and colleagues in wishing him well in his new job and thanking him for his commitment to Warwick over the past 15 years. His appointment at York shows just how highly sought after Warwick senior staff are by other universities and, whilst he will be much missed at Warwick, I’m confident he will take with him a wealth of senior leadership experience from the University.”