Tim Jones: Chair of the Science Faculty
Congratulations to Professor Tim Jones who has been appointed as Chair of the Board of the Faculty of Science, taking up the role from 1 October 2010.
Professor Jones joined the University in 2007 and is Professor of Physical Chemistry in the Department of Chemistry. He was Head of the Physical and Theoretical section within Chemistry and was appointed as Deputy Chair of the Board of the Faculty of Science in 2008. Earlier this year he was the project lead in the applied horticultural scoping work, which lead to the establishment of the new Crop Research Centre which has a strong emphasis on translational research and collaboration with industry. He has also been appointed to the new position of Pro Vice-Chancellor (Knowledge Transfer and Business Engagement) from August 2011.
In addition to Chairing the Board of the Faculty, Chairs of Faculties serve on a range of University committees and are responsible for promoting the policies, programmes and procedures within their respective Faculty.
Following Senate's consideration of the Harris Report in July, Faculty Chairs will increasingly be a source of support to departments and research centres in the relevant Faculty and will inform and influence the Faculty on key decisions affecting it and the University.
Faculty Chairs are also likely to become further engaged in the appointment processes for key academic posts within the Faculty. Chairs serve ex officio on the following formal bodies: Senate, Steering Committee, Research Committee, Honorary Degrees Committee, Academic Quality and Standards Committee, Information Policy and Strategy Committee, Capital Planning and Accommodation Review Group, the Academic Resourcing Committee, and, potentially as Chair, the Investigating Committee and Appeals Committee.
The following are continuing in their roles as Chairs of Faculty: Professor Christina Hughes, Social Sciences, Professor Stella Bruzzi, Arts and Professor Peter Winstanley, Medicine.