The Polymer Club Program 22nd November 2022
13:30 Registration and Coffee
14:00 Introduction and Welcome to the Polymer Club: Dr. Dan Lester
14:10-14:25 Bowen Tan – Pujing Chemical Industry
14:25-14.40 Prof. David Haddleton – University of Warwick
14.40-14:55 - Peter Clarke – CPG
14.55-15:10 – Sofia Salem - Shimadzu
15:10-15:40 Coffee and Tea Break
15.40-15:55 Alison Kelly - Bruker
15:55-16:10 Bronwyn Laycock – University of Queensland - TBC
16:10-16:25 – PhD Student – University of Warwick - TBC
16.25-16.40 – Mike Eason – James Walker Sealing Products and Services - TBC
16:40-16:55 – Dan Stewart – ViridiCO2
16:55-17:10 Wrap up – Ian Hancox.
17:10-18:15 Posters and Networking Event
18:15 Dinner
Analytical Sciences 23rd November 2022
9.30 Registration and Coffee
10.00 David Leadley - Welcome to Warwick
10:10-10.35 Astra Zeneca - Steven Coombes and Steven Brown
10.35–10.55 Innovate UK - Julian Bowrey
10:55–11:20 Syngenta- Ben Robinson with Vas Stavros
11.20-11:50 Coffee and Tea Break
11:50–12:00 Nikola Chmel Apprenticeships
12:00-12:25 Johnson Matthey - Paul Collier with Richard Walton
12:25- 12:45 RTPs and Techniques -Dan Lester
12:45-13:30 Lunch
13:30-15:00 Tours
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