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Pay Rise

Originally Published 21 November 2003

University employers and most trade unions concluded a two year pay and modernisation agreement (often referred to as the Framework Agreement) on 4 November 2003. The first effect of this is that salaries will be increased by 3.44% or £550 which ever is the greater with effect from 1 August 2003 and by a further 3% from 1 August 2004. The agreement has been signed by all the trade unions represented here in Warwick except AUT who are at national level still seeking points of clarification from the employers.

This means that the University has been able to implement the pay increase for all staff other than academic and related colleagues. The new salaries plus any back-dated pay due will be included in the salary payments being made this month. The University will keep in close touch with developments at a national level as these affect AUT and will implement the pay award once matters have been resolved.