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University of Warwick Podcasts

Warwick Podcasts allow you to hear from University experts commenting on important issues, their research and events.

Warwick Podcasts are available as a downloadable MP3 file or can be accessed directly from this page. You can also subscribe through a number of podcast directories to get Warwick Podcasts direct to your computer and MP3 player.

Perceptions of body image

10:04, Thu 22 Feb 2007

Karen Throsby from The University of Warwick's Sociology Department talks about the relationships between gender and body image as well as cosmetic and weight loss surgery in the light of the recent Radio 1 survey on the topic. Length: 18 minutes

(MP3 format, 17 MB)


Marketing the Movies

14:36, Thu 15 Feb 2007

Chris Meir talks about the Marketing the Movies Conference and how academics are analysing the way films are promoted. My Odeo Channel (odeo/3ad06b38a481c2da)

(MP3 format, 27 MB)


Religion and Public Office

11:43, Thu 8 Feb 2007

Professor Roger Trigg talks about the relationship between faith, religion and public office. Should we make a clear distintion between public office and private belief? Length:25 minutes

(MP3 format, 23 MB)


Green Chemistry

15:55, Thu 1 Feb 2007

Professor James Clark from The University of York's Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence talks about sustainable chemistry, current areas of research and how it impacts on our day to day lives and the environment. Length: 26 minutes

(MP3 format, 24 MB)


The Women who have played Hamlet

09:33, Wed 24 Jan 2007

Tony Howard talks about his research looking at the women who have played Hamlet and the influence they have had on both the play and society. Length: 29 minutes

(MP3 format, 27 MB)


America's military strategy for Iraq

12:38, Thu 18 Jan 2007

Dr Rob Johnson talks about the implications of President Bush's recent announcement that an additional 20,000 troops will be heading to Iraq. Length: 26 minutes

(MP3 format, 24 MB)


Developing a test for Pre-eclampsia

11:59, Wed 10 Jan 2007

Dr Manu Vatish discusses his work on developing a test for Pre-eclampsia Length: 11 minutes

(MP3 format, 11 MB)


Metal ring round white dwarf solves missing planets puzzle

10:59, Fri 22 Dec 2006

Dr Boris Gänsicke and Professor Tom Marsh from The University of Warwick's Astronomy and Astrophysics Group within the Department of Physics talk about their recent discovery of a metal rich gas disc around a white dwarf in the Virgo constellation. Length: 16 minutes

(MP3 format, 15 MB)


How Angels nearly disappeared from our culture.

12:22, Mon 18 Dec 2006

Professor Peter Marshall discusses how the protestant reformation nearly removed Angels from our culture and how they managed to survive into the modern era. Length: 27 minutes

(MP3 format, 25 MB)


Producing antibodies in plants

10:31, Fri 8 Dec 2006

Dr. Lorenzo Frigerio from Warwick's Biological Sciences Department talks about the Wellcome Trust Translation Award he has received to enable him to validate his lab based work on increased yield of antibody production within plant cells using complete plants in order to show industrial scale manufacture is possible. Length: 19 minutes

(MP3 format, 17 MB)


DNA, crime and civil liberties

10:00, Thu 30 Nov 2006

Dr Andrew Roberts asks whether the National DNA Database infringes on our civil liberties and the dangers of a compulsory system. Length: 16 minutes

(MP3 format, 15 MB)


Abusive Language in Schools

09:37, Fri 24 Nov 2006

Dr Sean Neill discusses a recent report highlighting the issue of pupils using sexually abusive language in schools. Length: 21 minutes

(MP3 format, 19 MB)


Carbon trading

08:24, Thu 23 Nov 2006

Dr Andrew Sentance from the Centre for Globalisation and Regionalisation talks about carbon trading, how it works, how it affects us and the potential benefits. Length: 14 minutes

(MP3 format, 13 MB)


Nanotechnology in medicine

14:55, Tue 14 Nov 2006

Professor David Smith from The University of York talks about nanotechnology and its application to modern medicine. Topics covered include delivery of cancer drugs, tissue engineering and gene therapy. Length: 25 minutes

(MP3 format, 23 MB)


Is policy damaging the Arts in the UK?

11:01, Wed 8 Nov 2006

Munira Mirza argues that current arts policy in the UK may be damaging to the long term health of the arts. Munira Mirza is a writer and researcher on issues related to cultural policy and identity

(MP3 format, 24 MB)


The state of Russia

15:43, Wed 1 Nov 2006

Professor Christopher Read examines the current state of Russia and its changing political and economic position. Length: 22 minutes

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Wearing the veil - Part 2

16:09, Tue 24 Oct 2006

Dr H A Hellyer discusses the recent controversy surrounding the wearing of the veil by muslim women. Length: 28 minutes

(MP3 format, 25 MB)


A New Direction for the Child Support Agency

16:07, Tue 24 Oct 2006

Length: 25 minutes Since its establishment in 1993 the UK's Child Support Agency has faced mounting criticsm about its ability to administer a support system often labeled as inneffective and unfair. Despite revisions to the processes and methods of calculating liabilty the CSA finds itself facing yet another review as Government ministers try and untangle the child support problem. In a recent report Professor Ian Walker from the University of Warwick and Dr Yu Zhu from Kent University have proposed a radical new approach to child support, arguing that the CSA itself should carry the liability for payments as an incentive for chasing 'dead-beat dads'. Professor Ian Walker is a member of the Economics Department at the University of Warwick. His research interests include the econometrics of the labour market and applied aspects of public policy issues, such as taxation and work incentives, social security issues, the analysis of risk aversion, and the relationship between parental incomes and child the Warwick Medical School.

(MP3 format, 24 MB)


An interview with Tony Wheeler (Graduate)

16:07, Tue 24 Oct 2006

Sam Howarth of Warwick's Development and Alumni Relations Office talks to Tony Wheeler, Warwick Alumnus and Co-founder of the Lonely Planet Travel Guides and publishers.

(MP3 format, 5.8 MB)


A question of leadership

16:07, Tue 24 Oct 2006

Ever since Tony Blair announced he was to stand down as party leader controversy has raged about both when he will go and who his successor will be. Whilst Gordon Brown has been the annointed heir for some time, there is some debate as to whether this is a desirable state of affairs for the Labour Party and challengers to Brown have begun to emerge. Professor Wynn Grant is an expert on British Politics and has examined the current leadership debate in the Labour Party. Length: 21 minutes

(MP3 format, 20 MB)


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Warwick Podcasts

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