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University of Warwick Podcasts

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A Religious and Cultural Clash or a Tribal Showdown - Analysing the Danish Cartoons Crisis.

16:07, Tue 24 Oct 2006

Length: 25 minutes The publication of cartoons satirising the Prophet Muhammad in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten has triggered violent protests across the world. The cartoons, which have been reprinted in a number of European papers, have angered Muslims and focussed attention on the fragile relationships between Islamic countries and the West. Do the cartoons represent a fundamental difference in the religious and cultural values of the two communities or is the current crisis the latest manifestation of a more earthly tribalism between national and regional interests? Does our shared cultural and philosophical heritage mean we actually have more in common than might be immediately apparant? Dr. Hisham Hellyer is an Associate Fellow at the Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, University of Warwick. After completing degrees in Law and International Political Economy, he completed a doctoral study of the European Union and its Muslim populations that was funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (UK), and due to be published in 2006 under the title of "The European 'Other'". A research consultant and social policy analyst, Dr Hellyer is presently engaged in research on contemporary Muslim communities.

(MP3 format, 23 MB)


A Response to the UK Energy Review - Renewable Sources and the Nuclear Option

16:07, Tue 24 Oct 2006

In the face of both increasing concern about climate change and questions as to the security of our gas and oil supplies the Government is undertaking a major review examining the future options for energy provision in the UK. Much of the debate surrounding the issue of energy policy is focussed on the possible role of nuclear power in supplying the UK's energy needs. In a new report Dr Catherine Mitchell and Dr Bridget Woodman from the University of Warwick's Centre for Management Under Regulation argue that investing in nuclear energy would actually undermine the development and future effectiveness of more sustainable energy sources as well as leaving the UK with financial and ecological problems for decades to come. They suggest that building new nuclear power stations will not help the Government meet its stated aims for tackling climate change, ensuring the security of our energy supplies or building a sustainable energy infrastructure to meet the UK's energy requirements. Dr Mitchell is a Principal Research Fellow at the Centre for Management under Regulation. Her research interests include energy policy; sustainable development; economic regulation. Dr Woodman is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Management under Regulation with research interests in energy policy and regulation, in particular renewable energy and nuclear power; environmental equity and justice.

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Are you getting enough sleep?

16:07, Tue 24 Oct 2006

Our lives are getting busier and busier and it can often seem that there is not enough time in the day to get everything done. For many of us this means we are cutting down on the amount of time we are asleep. There is plenty of evidence, however, that in doing so we are increasing the risk of serious health problems, such as obesity and heart disease, as well as the problems associated with daytime sleepiness. Professor Franco Cappuccio, Chair of Warwick Medical School's sleep research group, has examined the problems associated with a lack of sleep and explains how you can improve your chances of a good night's sleep. Length: 24 min

(MP3 format, 22 MB)


Building a sustainable response to Islamic extremism in Europe and beyond.

16:07, Tue 24 Oct 2006

How can we resolve the tensions between the different communities in Europe in the light of the growing threat from Islamic extremists, sometimes dubbed the 'Enemy Within'? Hisham Hellyer is a policy analyst, academic and commentator, based at the University of Warwick as an Associate Fellow, the American University in Cairo as a Visiting Professor and Trinity College in Dublin as a Senior Research Fellow. His research interests include European Muslim communities, the interplay between Islam and modernity, European social policy and political philosophy. In his latest book on European Muslims (due to be published by IB Tauris in March 2007 under the title of ''Islam in Europe: Multiculturalism and the European 'Other'), he argues that Europe must come to terms with all of her history, past and present, and that Muslim communities should work to be integral to, rather than simply 'integrated' parts of, Europe. His new website will be at Note: Hisham was recorded down the phone from Cairo - you may need to turn up your volume a bit. Length: 25 minutes

(MP3 format, 23 MB)


Can our economy survive high oil prices?

16:07, Tue 24 Oct 2006

With oil prices hitting record highs, questions are being asked as to how long the global economy can survive the rising cost of one of its most fundamental resources. Are low oil prices necessary for prosperity or will the high price of oil force economies to diversify their energy supply and address the issues of global warming? Professor Andrew Oswald is an expert on the economics of Oil and its influence on global trade and employment. Length: 16 minutes

(MP3 format, 15 MB)


China and India - The economic giants of the future

16:07, Tue 24 Oct 2006

China and India are the two burgeoning economic giants of the globalising economy. Dr Simon Collinson of Warwick Business School discusses their comparative positions and looks to the future for these to would-be superpowers. Length: 18 minutes

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China - Economic Miracle or Economic Timebomb?

16:07, Tue 24 Oct 2006

The growth of China in recent years has been described as an economic miracle with Western companies and governments rushing to build partnerships with the new power in the East. The opening up of the Chinese market and the expansion of industry, technology and production within the country has, however, had a profound effect on the people of China, its political leaders and the rest of the world. This impact can be seen in the growing inequalities within China, the loss of jobs in the west and the effect on the price of key resources such as oil. The ability of both China and other nations to successfully manage these changing relationships will influence the lives of billions of people. Professor Shaun Breslin is a member of the Department of Politics and International Studies. Professor Breslin has written extensively on China and its global relationships. Length: 29 minutes

(MP3 format, 27 MB)


Defining City Regions

16:07, Tue 24 Oct 2006

The concept of 'City Regions' has been picked up by political leaders in the UK at both a national and local level. The concept has been used as the basis for a number of policy initiatives, but what lies behind the idea of a 'City Region' and what are the implications for governance and local identity if we start to think in these terms. Professor Colin Crouch, Professor of Governance and Public Management at Warwick Business School, has studied City Regions for the OECD. Length: 29 mins

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Developing a 'Protecting Virus' for flu defense

16:07, Tue 24 Oct 2006

Research led by Professor Nigel Dimmock at the University of Warwick is developing an entirely new method of protecting against flu. Length: 26 minutes

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Escaping the Earth

16:07, Tue 24 Oct 2006

According to Professor Stephen Hawking the future of the Human race is dependent on our ability to begin colonising other planets - within 100 years! Is this a realistic goal and if it is achievable, is it desirable? How might mankind go about building new homes amongst the stars? Professor Ian Stewart, Department of Mathematics, is an expert on the parallels between science and science fiction. Length: 22 minutes

(MP3 format, 21 MB)


Happiness, economics and society

16:07, Tue 24 Oct 2006

David Cameron, leader of the Conservative Party, recently announced that we should focus on happiness and general well being rather than economic growth. The statement raised questions about how we live our lives, the culture of consumerism and whether 'more stuff' actually leads to better lives. Research by Professor Andrew Oswald has questioned the supposed link between economic growth and happiness and indicated that it may not be in our national interest to continue our focus on increased consumption. Length: 15 minutes

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Heading for a nuclear showdown in the Middle East

16:07, Tue 24 Oct 2006

Iran has issued its response to UN Security Council demands that it stop its uranium enrichment programme by August 31st. Whilst offering to join 'serious talks' on the issue Iranian officials have been clear in their refusal to back down to international pressure to end their vision of a nuclear Iran. How do the latest developments change the diplomatic picture for both Iran and the UN? Does the passing of a UN resolution change the legal position of those involved and what lies behind the strategies of Tehran and the Security Council. Daniel Joyner is an Associate Professor in International Law at the Warwick Law School. He is an expert in public international law in the security context, with particular interest in the area of proliferation studies, including non-proliferation treaties and regimes, issues of international trade and export control law, use of force law, and international legal theory. Length: 25 minutes ; Podshow PDN {podshow-77fc408d91196dd73cc96103e5c946f6}

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Ideas of heroism and sport

16:07, Tue 24 Oct 2006

Dr Angie Hobbs discusses the nature of heroism and whether we should consider our sporting men and women as 'heroes'. Length: 27 mins

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Insights into Beckett

16:07, Tue 24 Oct 2006

2006 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Samuel Beckett. From the cells of San Quentin Prison to the streets of Prague, Beckett is one of the 20th Century's most influential writers. In order to understand his legacy, Dr Liz Barry, English and Comparative Literary Studies, guides us through his early influences and explores the major themes in his plays and fiction. Length: 24 minutes

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Intelligent Design or Evolution - Professor Steve Fuller and Professor Jack Cohen

16:07, Tue 24 Oct 2006

The controversial issue of whether intelligent design should be taught in American Schools is creating much debate in scientific and religous communities across the world. The latest battleground in the argument has been in the Kitzmiller et al. v. Dover Area School District case currently being heard in Pennsylvania. The case is attracting a great deal of attention and generating much discussion of the relationship between the theories of intelligent design and the established theories of evolution. The following programme is a debate between Jack Cohen and Steve Fuller, two professors of the University of Warwick exploring the issues involved in the debate between intelligent design and evolutionary theory. Length: 1 hour 8 minutes

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Israel and Lebanon - A History of the Conflict

16:07, Tue 24 Oct 2006

With a UN ceasefire in place in the Lebanon attention now moves to finding a long lasting solution to the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah. What is the background to the conflict and how can an understanding of the history of both sides help develop a resolution to the crisis? Dr Rob Johnson has written about the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict, terrorism and counter-terrorism. Length: 23 Minutes

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Managing Creativity and Creative Management

16:07, Tue 24 Oct 2006

As the Creative Industries become a more important part of the global economy does the stereotype of the creative genius still persist? Do we need to rethink our ideas on creativity and understand how it works more clearly? Dr Chris Bilton, Centre for Cultural Policy Studies, argues that organisations need to start thinking about creativity as a process and begin adapting traditional business strategies to develop a creative approach to management. Length: 25 minutes

(MP3 format, 24 MB)


Nepal - making sense of the recent protests

16:07, Tue 24 Oct 2006

The streets of Nepal have been filled over the last few weeks with people protesting at the rule of authoritarian King Gyanendra. The protests have resulted in the King reinstating a democratic parliament in the face of calls for an end to the monarchy. Anuj Mishra, a Warwick student from Nepal, gives an insight into the pro-democracy movement and the history of the protests. 14minutes

(MP3 format, 13 MB)


North Korea's nuclear diplomacy

16:07, Tue 24 Oct 2006

North Korea's announcement of a nuclear test has triggered an diplomatic crisis. Chris Hughes, Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation, and Dan Joyner, School of Law, discuss the history of the crisis and how events may unfold.

(MP3 format, 34 MB)


Patterns of migration - a problem or opportunity?

16:07, Tue 24 Oct 2006

Does the UK's current immigration policy cause us problems or does it provide us with opportunities for economic growth? Are we experiencing a new immigration phenomenon or is the flow of people from country to country something that has always been with us? Professor Zig Layton-Henry, Politics and International Studies, is an expert in the patterns and policy of migration. Length: 22 minutes

(MP3 format, 21 MB)


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