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PATHWAY PhD Studentships


PhD studentships

The PATHWAY programme aims to create "a career pipeline that does not leak”, and develop a thriving community of black researchers across all faculties, presenting a clear vision of career pathways for black academics in higher education.

The PATHWAY PhD scheme is aimed at prospective students self-identifying as being of black heritage who would like to pursue a PhD at Warwick. The scheme covers both UK and international tuition fees. Students can be hosted in any department, and can pursue any topic.


20th February 2024 - Call for nominations opens

15th April 2024 - Deadline for departmental nominations

1st week of June 2024 - Studentship awardees announced

Please note that official communications about this programme will only come from the resource account.

Award Details

The University of Warwick will offer up to 3 PATHWAY PhD studentships for the 2024/25 academic year.

This will cover:

Additionally, the National Centre for Research CultureLink opens in a new window will hold networking opportunities for researchers participating in the scheme, through workshops, conferences and networking events.

The NCRC will also facilitate conference attendance and external networking, set up mentoring and hold information events.


The scheme is open to both UK nationals eligible for registration as Home students and international students.

Applicants must self-identify as members of one of the following ethnic groups:

  • Black African
  • Black Caribbean
  • Black Other
  • Mixed – White and Black Caribbean
  • Mixed – White and Black African
  • Other mixed background (to include Black African, Black Caribbean or Black Other)

Applicants must not already be enrolled on a PhD programme at the University of Warwick


Please note that applicants cannot apply directly for this scheme.

  1. Eligible candidates should contact the department to express their interest in being nominated for this award. Candidates should apply for a PhD at the University of Warwick to begin in October 2024.

  2. To be eligible, candidates will need to receive an offer or be recommended to receive an offer from the department before being nominated.
  3. The Director of Graduate Studies or a nominated delegate may nominate candidates for the scheme by 5 pm on the 15th April 2024.
  4. Results will be communicated to departments and the successful scholar by the end of May 2024.