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Menopause, Nutrition and Wellbeing

About the Session:

Join Lily and Jane for an interactive workshop focused on nutritional well-being for the brain during menopause. Engage in lively discussions about wellness recipes, and enjoy a relaxed, café-style atmosphere with informal opportunities for conversations over a cup of tea. Take time to create mindful coloring and affirmation cards, and sign up for one-on-one chats for personalized support.

Please use the form at the bottom of the page to register for these sessions and select your preferred time slot.

Lily and Jane will also be offering 10-minute surgery sessions for anyone who would like to ask questions about menopause. These will be drop-in sessions during the day. You do not need to register for these sessions in advance.

Discover the resources available through Warwick Menopause Support, with literature and leaflets provided to help you navigate this stage of life. Visit Warwick Menopause Support Resources for more information.

Meet the Facilitators:

Lily Samuels

Lily Samuels is a registered nutritionist dedicated to empowering individuals to achieve optimal health and well-being through personalized nutrition plans and education. Drawing from her extensive background in nursing, Lily offers tailored nutrition consultations that address various health concerns, including weight management, menopause, gut health, and mental health. She provides a range of services such as one-on-one consultations, corporate wellness programs, and specialized workshops. Lily is known for her practical approach to nutrition, focusing on sustainable lifestyle changes that enhance overall health and productivity.

For more information about her services and programs, visit Lily Samuels Nutrition.

Jane Dashwood

Jane Dashwood is a dedicated Library Accessibility Officer at the University of Warwick, with a strong commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion. In her role, she specializes in ensuring that all library users have access to the resources and services they need. Jane is also the Co-Chair of the Warwick Menopause Network, where she provides valuable guidance and support to individuals navigating menopause. Her dual expertise in accessibility and menopause support makes her an invaluable asset to the Warwick community.

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