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Menopause Support Resources

Menopause Support Resources

Menopause is a natural part of ageing when an individual’s oestrogen levels decline and they stop having periods. In the UK, the average age to reach the menopause is 51, but around 1 in 100 people experience the menopause before 40 years of age.

There are three stages of the menopause - 1. Perimenopause, the time leading up to 2. Menopause (when there has been no menstrual periods for 12 consecutive months), followed by 3. Post menopause, the years that come after menopause. Learn more in this five minute guide, 'What is the menopause?' and using the range of resources and support outlined below.

Note: The resources below are available to all, including our non-binary, trans, and intersex staff.

Download the 'Let's Talk About the Menopause' poster to share key facts and figures on the menopause.


Most people will experience menopausal symptoms, which can be quite severe and have a significant impact on everyday life. Symptoms can continue for months or years during perimenopause and last for 4 years or more after menopause.

Learn more, and share the information with others, by downloading the 'Symptoms of Menopause' poster.



Nearly 8 in 10 people experiencing the menopause are in work.

Our Menopause Guidelines set out the University’s commitment to creating an inclusive and supportive working environment for employees experiencing menopausal and andropause symptoms. And, you can use the Menopause Passport to request any adjustments you need.


With 3 in 4 menopausal people experiencing symptoms, staff may need time off sick for menopause symptoms.

To help share the impact of menopausal symptoms, sickness absence can be recorded on SuccessFactors as 'menopause related'. This is entirely optional, but we hope it will empower staff to discuss the menopause and any adjustments needed.

For individuals

Personal Stories

Read stories from the Warwick community and watch videos showcasing lived experiences.

Also, this 5 questions interview with Andy Johnson, Social Inclusion Manager, gives his perspective on participating with the menopause conversation, being an active ally, and working towards being an inclusive colleague, friend, and family member.


Read the Social Inclusion Annual Report for more about social inclusion at Warwick and the action we're taking.

The Social Inclusion Annual Report highlights the work that has been taking place across the University over the last year, and how it is helping us to meet our Social Inclusion Strategy objectives to increase the diversity of our staff and student communities, develop an inclusive culture, and become an internationally recognised leader in inclusion.