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Research Culture Award


This category seeks to celebrate individuals and/or teams who have made significant contributions to enhancing Research Culture at Warwick over the past three years.

Warwick has established the National Centre for Research Culture (NCRC) which promotes, facilitates and enables a positive research culture that supports all academics, research students, technicians, research support colleagues and partners to thrive.

This award recognises those committed to strengthening research culture at Warwick, through projects and initiatives that benefit the research community on campus and further afield, whether through formally funded projects, or through those initiatives that have emerged more organically. This award seeks to celebrate individuals and/or teams who have contributed to positive change in areas including, but not limited to:

  • EDI

  • Well-being in the research community

  • Addressing bullying/harassment

  • Recruitment, retention and career development/pathways

  • Research training

  • Research leadership

  • Technician or research support empowerment

  • Research integrity

  • Open research and reproducibility

General Evaluation/Assessment criteria:

Nominations will be evaluated/assessed on the following criteria:

  1. Outcome: What was the activity’s purpose and how were its aims and objectives met? (Including benefits to research users and any additional outcomes).

  2. Co-design How strongly did the activity adopt a co-design approach, involving and engaging research end users?

  3. Evaluation: How did the activity respond to an evidence gap, specifically related to mitigating a research culture challenge. How was positive change evidenced?

  4. Opportunities for replication or expansion: Has the initiative been shared, replicated or expanded within the department/Faculty, University or at a sector level and/or incorporated into BAU?

  5. Category specific criterion – How does the activity contribute to Warwick’s Research Culture Strategy of creating an inclusive research environment where researchers and research enablers can feel Happy, Creative and Productive, and where the research itself is Open and Sound?