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Models of Research Culture Support Survey

About this Survey


The RCEN CommitteeLink opens in a new window have designed a short survey for members of the Research Culture Enablers Network to help us better understand:

  • How the institutions we work at support research culture;
  • What kinds of activities and tasks we undertake as research culture enablers.

We intend to use this information internally within the network to support our ongoing activities, and to improve the way the network operates. We also hope that this will allow us to demonstrate and articulate the varied contributions we all make as research culture enablers, and anonymised data may form the basis of a white paper or report in future. We do not anticipate to publish any findings in academic journals,

We will not collect any identifiable information from you, however there is one question which asks what your role title is and we do recognise that for some members of the network, their job title could potentially be identifiable as it may have a unique name.

We have made all questions optional, however obtaining as comprehensive a dataset as possible has the potential to::

  • Improve sharing of best practice to enhance research culture support in the sector
  • Allow individual members to benchmark themselves and gain an understanding of what may be useful for career progression

We expect that this survey will take approximately 15 min to complete. Please be aware you will be unable to save your progress and will have to complete the survey in one sitting.

If you have any questions about this survey, please contact Dr Rika Nair (

Research Culture at your Institution

In this section, we are trying to understand how different institutions support research culture, with a view of sharing best practice.

Type of institution
Where does the research culture enabling individual or team sit?
Who at your institution has >50% of their time allocated to research culture
Which of the following types of research culture activities or initiatives take place at your institution?
Which of the following charters, awards and commitments is your institution signed up to?

Your Research Enabler Role

In this section, our aim is to gain a clearer insight into the characteristics of  research culture enabler roles at different levels of seniority, as well as future training needs. Although we won't request direct personal information like names and email addresses, recognising that job titles can vary significantly and in some instances be unique, we'd like to highlight that this question (and all others) is optional. 


Research Culture covers wide-ranging challenges, including:

  • Improving access to and participation in research, including postgraduate research, for people from currently underrepresented groups;
  • Furthering open research practices;
  • Improving research conduct and reproducibility;
  • Tackling bullying and harassment;
  • Improving research leadership skills across all career stages;
  • Creating routes for collaboration and exchange with businesses, third sector organisations and government;
  • Securing and supporting the careers of researchers and associated professions;
  • Diversifying recruitment, reward and recognition approaches at all career stages;
  • Community-led research.
What are some tasks that you carry out in your research culture enabling role?
Which of the following training would you be interested in?
What sources to do you use to keep up to date with the latest developments in research culture?

Next Steps

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

If you'd like to engage more deeply in our research on 'Models of Research Culture Support,' please reach out to us at

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Unless you provide identifying information, this form is anonymous and no data which personally identifies you is collected on the form. The data you provide is used solely to help us improve the delivery of network activities.

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