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Optimising IO

This page contains slides and links for the "Optimising IO on Sulis" workshop run by Warwick RSE on 9/12/2024.

Slides Etc

Deck 1Link opens in a new window: Introduction, Terminology, and how Filesystems work

Demo 1Link opens in a new window: File transfers and tar pipes

Deck 2Link opens in a new window: Strategies for Optimising - Changing your Code

Deck 3Link opens in a new window: Strategies for Optimising - Changing your Workflow

Demo 2Link opens in a new window: Disk access and buffering

Demo 3: HDF5 filesystem (TBA)

Github Repo

The case-study example for this Workshop is here

Handy Links

Sulis docs - opens in a new window

h5py docs (for using HDF5 files in Python) - opens in a new window

General HDF5 docs (useful for fiddly bits) - opens in a new window

sqlite docs - opens in a new window

sqlite for Python - opens in a new window

H5VFS tool (please note, offered as is!) - opens in a new window

Related Training

Database IO and Intro to SqliteLink opens in a new window

Advanced MPI including MPI IOLink opens in a new window (for those who need it, some materials on doing your own MPI-IO)

Feedback Form

We always appreciate your feedback to help us make courses better! The anonymous form is

Previous Date(s)

For reference, here are the previous date(s) on which this course has run: 7/8/2024