Optimising IO
This page contains slides and links for the "Optimising IO on Sulis" workshop run by Warwick RSE on 9/12/2024.
Slides Etc
Deck 1Link opens in a new window: Introduction, Terminology, and how Filesystems work
Demo 1Link opens in a new window: File transfers and tar pipes
Deck 2Link opens in a new window: Strategies for Optimising - Changing your Code
Deck 3Link opens in a new window: Strategies for Optimising - Changing your Workflow
Demo 2Link opens in a new window: Disk access and buffering
Demo 3: HDF5 filesystem (TBA)
Github Repo
The case-study example for this Workshop is here
Handy Links
Sulis docs - https://sulis-hpc.github.io/Link opens in a new window
h5py docs (for using HDF5 files in Python) - https://docs.h5py.org/en/stable/index.htmlLink opens in a new window
General HDF5 docs (useful for fiddly bits) - https://docs.hdfgroup.org/hdf5/v1_14/_getting_started.htmlLink opens in a new window
sqlite docs - https://www.sqlite.org/docs.htmlLink opens in a new window
sqlite for Python - https://docs.python.org/3/library/sqlite3.htmlLink opens in a new window
H5VFS tool (please note, offered as is!) - https://github.com/csbrady-warwick/H5VFSLink opens in a new window
Related Training
Database IO and Intro to SqliteLink opens in a new window
Advanced MPI including MPI IOLink opens in a new window (for those who need it, some materials on doing your own MPI-IO)
Feedback Form
We always appreciate your feedback to help us make courses better! The anonymous form is https://warwick.ac.uk/research/rtp/rc/training/admin/feedback
Previous Date(s)
For reference, here are the previous date(s) on which this course has run: 7/8/2024