Programme (provisional)
The programme is provisional and subject to change. It should serve as a indication of the broad topics that will be explored. There will be time during the hands-on sessions for participants to explore parallelisation of their own R scripts/codes on Sulis with hands-on support from local experts.
Day 1
Morning session
- Introduction to the Sulis HPC service
- Using the command line to execute R scripts
- Remote shells via SSH
- Key based access and two-factor authentication
- Copying files to/from remote systems
- Remote home directory
- Accessing software from the command line
- Environment modules
- Installing R packages
Afternoon session
- Using batch queues
- Walltime / accounting
- Interactive jobs
- Estimating resource requirements
- Writing batch scripts
- Persistent remote sessions
Day 2
Morning session
- Parallelising computation using threads
- mcapply, parallel foreach and associated pitfalls
- Batch scripts for multi-threaded computations
- Parallelisation over multiple R instances and job scripts
- Pros and cons of various approaches
- Load considerations
Afternoon session
- Designing workflows and integrated solutions
- ClusterMQ on HPC
- Further reading