Health and Safety
Before using the facilities at WCUS, it is important that you first read and complete all the necessary Health and Safety information. This is detailed throughout this section of the website and includes:
Standard Operating ProceduresLink opens in a new window
Laser Safety Information and TrainingLink opens in a new window
Please make sure to visit each of the pages relevant to you and read/upload all pertinent information to your experiments before indicating this on our booking form. Thank you.
The WCUS lab Risk Assessments can be found below:
Cary60 UVVisLink opens in a new window
Bruker Vertex70 FTIRLink opens in a new window
FluorologLink opens in a new window
Spectra-Physics: Spitfire Ace PA Laser SystemLink opens in a new window
Innolas: Picolo Long Laser SystemLink opens in a new window
In the event of an emergency an emergency procedure card should be consulted. These can be found by the main door to the lab or the annex room.