News from the Commission
Renewing Democracy
Commission chair Wyn Grant was a panellist at an event in Bradford discussing elected mayors. Here are his thoughts following Monday evening and the role elected mayors might have in renewing democracy in Bradford and beyond.
The Business of Mayors
Writing exclusively for The Birmingham Post ahead of a debate organised by Birmingham Forward and Future, Commission chair Wyn Grant says it's not too early for the business community to think about how they might want to engage with a new Mayor of Birmingham and their administration.
Mayoral Powers and Footprints under Scrutiny in International Research Study
The Warwick Commisison on Elected Mayors and City Leadership publishes its Summary Report on Monday 16th April 2012. In the report, the Commission warns that the Government's drive to encourage cities to adopt elected mayors cannot provide a 'one-size-fits-all' solution. It also supports calls for mayors to have a formal remit that extends beyond the city boundaries which are currently being proposed in referenda in ten core English cities.