Booking Local Rooms
This section of the website is intended to provide a comprehensive guide to booking local rooms using our online booking system linked to our timetabling software Syllabus Plus.
Why use our online booking system?
- Enables all department members (including students) to check the availability of locally timetabled rooms online, leading to greater transparency and less confusion over room usage.
- Bookings can be made by more than one person if the individuals concerned provide their IT services code to the Timetabling Team enabling busy departmental administrators to delegate their workload where neccessary.
- It is designed so that designated users in departments can book slots in their own directly, without any intervention by the Central Timetabling Team (CTTT), allowing for more complete, accurate and easily updated timetables. Local room timetables (restricted access) are available to view and print allowing designated users to see, at a glance, specific room booking information. ABS is set up for designated users to use the local room bookings in ABS (currently the departmental timetabling representatives). If there are other members of your department that would like to be able to use ABS for local room bookings, please email the user name and user code to
Please see the 'Book a Room' link to access our online booking form
If you have made a booking on our online booking system and subsequently wish to cancel it you can do this via "my bookings". Alternatively you can email
We hope you will find the procedure for booking local rooms easy to navigate, however if you have any questions, queries or suggestions for how we might improve this service, please visit the contact us section of the website and email or phone Rob McClean