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An image showing the Rodecaster Pro II with a Podmic and a laptop connected via USB

Podcasting in the Rapidmooc Studio (WA0.21)

Podcasting has exploded in popularity in recent years, becoming a powerful tool for both creators and listeners. With its on-demand format and ability to delve into niche topics, podcasts offer a unique space for learning, entertainment, and community building.

Digital Learning and Audio Visual Services have collaborated to set up a podcasting station within our Rapidmooc Studio in Westwood. The equipment in the room comprises a Rodecaster Pro IILink opens in a new window, 4 x Rode Podmic'sLink opens in a new window on PSA1+Link opens in a new window stands and 4 x Nth 100 headphonesLink opens in a new window.

The podcasting space allows for 4 in-person participants and external participants can be included via Teams, Zoom etc on a laptop or tablet using Bluetooth or the provided USB-C cable.


Rodecaster Pro II Tutorial

Plan your podcast

Define your podcast's purpose and target audience

  • Determine the main topic or theme of your podcast.
  • Identify your target listeners and their interests.
  • Decide on the tone and style you want to convey (informative, entertaining, conversational, etc.).

Plan your content and format

  • Decide on the structure of your episodes (interview-based, solo commentary, co-hosted, etc.).
  • Create an episode outline or script, especially for your first few episodes.
  • Decide on the frequency and length of your episodes.

Promote and build your audience

  • Create social media accounts and a website for your podcast.
  • Develop a 'marketing' plan to promote your podcast and attract listeners.
  • Consider guest appearances or cross-promotions with other podcasts in your niche.

Prepare for recording

  • Practice your delivery and ensure you're familiar with the content.
  • Confirm how external presenters will connect and check that your device supports Bluetooth or USB-C (or you have a suitable adapter).
  • Decide if you are going to record onto a microSD cardLink opens in a new window, or use a DAW such as Garageband or AudacityLink opens in a new window and purchase / install the required option.
  • Choose between recording a single stereo track or as multitrack, as this affects the Rodecaster settings; multitrack allows adjusting individual speaker levels in edit but uses more storage.
  • Bring a bottle of water and any notes or resources you need.

Record your podcast

Prepare the recording equipment

  • Turn on the Rodecaster using the small red button on the back of the unit.
  • Basic: If you are using a microSD card for recording, place this into the microSD card slot on the back of the unit near the power button.
  • Expert: If you are using a laptop to record, plug the USB-C cable into your laptop, open your DAW software and select the appropriate Rodecaster audio device.

Connect your remote guestsLink opens in a new window

  • Have a laptop or tablet ready with Teams or other software installed.
  • Connect the laptop or tablet to the Rodecaster Pro II via USB-C cable, enabling remote guests to join the recording session. Select 'Rodecaster Pro II Chat' as the speaker on your device. Volume is controlled from your device.
  • Alternatively, use Bluetooth to connect to the Rodecaster. This will be linked to the 5th fader (which has a blue light).

Perform audio checks

  • Check the 4 Rode PodMic microphones are properly positioned for each speaker - ideally about 10 to 15cm from your mouth.
  • Ask participants to speak into their assigned microphones and adjust levels as needed. Tip: for a 'warmer' sound, speak across the end of the microphone to reduce sibilance and 'pops'.
  • Check the headphone monitoring levels for all participants.

Record your session

  • Press the record button on the top left-hand side of the Rodecaster. Press it again to Pause, and hold it to stop recording. Red means recording; Amber means paused; Green means not recording.
  • Make a test recording if possible to confirm everything is working
  • Your session will save automatically to the microSD card and you can transfer the recording using the Rode Central appLink opens in a new window or by inserting your SD card into your laptop.

Edit and publish your podcast

Edit and post-process the audio

Create show notes and metadata

  • Write a brief episode description and create show notes with timestamps for important topics or segments.
  • Include relevant links, references, or additional resources mentioned during the recording.
  • Add appropriate metadata, such as episode title, description, keywords, and artwork.

Upload and distribute the podcastLink opens in a new window

  • Upload the final audio file and accompanying metadata to your preferred podcast hosting platform.
  • Submit your podcast's RSS feed to major directory platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and others.
  • Share the new episode on your podcast's website and social media channels.

Promote and engage with your audience

  • Encourage listeners to leave reviews and ratings, which can help increase visibility and attract new listeners.
  • Respond to comments and feedback from your audience, fostering a sense of community.
  • Consider creating additional promotional content, such as video teasers or blog posts related to the episode topic.

Help and Community

Please join our Team's channelLink opens in a new window to discuss and learn from other users of our Podcasting service.