Rated outstanding for the third time
In July 2021 the nursery was judged as outstanding by Ofsted for the third consecutive time, Ofsted are the regulatory body responsible for the registration and inspection of Early Years Care and Education.
Previously the nursery had been judged as outstanding in 2011 and 2016.
The nursery manager and staff team were delighted to receive this confirmation of their hard work and dedication to providing the very best of childcare for the children who attend the nursery.
During the inspection the inspector considered the quality of the provision in four areas: Quality of Education; Behaviour and Attitudes; Personal Development, and Leadership and Management.
The inspector judged the nursery to be outstanding in all four areas. Concluding that the Overall Effectiveness of the nursery was also outstanding.
OFSTED 2016: Outstanding all categories
We are delighted that we have retained our 'outstanding' rating in all four categories. The categories are: effectiveness of leadership and management; quality of teaching, learning and assessment; personal development, and behaviour and welfare; and outcomes for children.
We are extremely pleased that the ongoing high level of provision and service provided by the nursery was acknowledged by Ofsted with another outstanding inspection outcome, Ken Sloan, University Registrar