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Press Summary - March 8 - March 14



Body and Soul – Professor Francesco Cappuccio, WMS, discusses the bad health indicators linked with prolonged sleep

Epoch Times - Associate Professor Eric Jensen, Sociology, discusses what the effective ways of explaining climate change would be

Free News Pos – A comment by WBS Dean Mark Taylor about the status of the online MBA against the campus-based MBA

Frontera – Assistant Professor Dr Maria do Mar Pereira, Sociology, comments on a piece about sex appeal in the workplace

Hindustan Times – Professor Upendra Baxi, Law, comments about a Hitler comment made during India’s elections

Innovo Source – A piece about the collaborative ventures between Warwick and Monash Universities. Dr Nicholas Monk, IATL, is also mentioned for the classroom project which was awarded funding by the Alliance Development Scheme

Medical News Today – Professor Dieter Wolke, Psychology, was part of a research team who have found links between children who regularly suffer from nightmares and the likelihood of psychotic disorders in later life

Also in: Bayou Buzz

Australian Doctor

UT San Diego

Noticias News – An in depth piece about the Warwick study into the mental health benefits of eating more fruit and vegetables

Orlando Sentinel – Professor Wyn Grant, PAIS, discusses the need for change in tax payments of lower income workers

Poets and Quants - An article about business schools and how they rate for their potential to network lists Warwick in the rankings

Process and Control Daily - A mention of the establishment of the battery development centre at WMG in a piece about support services for UK SME nanotechnology companies

Singapore Business Review – A mention of the SIM partnership with Warwick to provide postgraduate programmes to working professionals

The Conversation – PhD student Alice Borchi writes about the Italian fury over the American advert which starred Michelangelo’s David holding a rifle

Times of India - Associate Professor Eric Jensen, Sociology, was part of a study working alongside Chester Zoo that has discovered biodiversity can be taught by visiting the zoo and aquariums

Washington Post – Professor John Thanassoulis, WBS, comments about the leak to media about the Co-op chief Euan Sutherland’s pay after he handed in his resignation

Also in: Bloomberg

Free News Pos

Pioneers Post

MSN News

Marketing Week



Art Lyst – Chancellor Sir Richard Lambert has been appointed as new chairman of the British Museum from July this year

Also in: Art Daily

Art Quarterly – The Warwick Commission are mentioned in connection with their work on the future of cultural value in a piece about the impact of art on society

BBC Focus – A short article about the Warwick study which has discovered a new way of freezing blood using fish

Before its News – Professor Kamel Mellahi, WBS, writes about Panasonic becoming the first international company to compensate overseas workers for the subjection to air pollution

Also in: Bullfax

Bookseller – Professor Maureen Freely, English, has been voted English PEN’s new president

Also in: Book Trade

British Psychological Society – Professor Dieter Wolke, Psychology, comments after an Anti-Bullying Alliance report has found high numbers of online bullying of disabled children

Business Desk – Warwick will be exhibiting at a fair at the NEC this week to encourage the next generation of engineers

Business Zone – Associate Professor Dr Stuart Fraser, WBS, discusses research into bad banking relationships and how it can discourage small firms from borrowing

Children and Young People Now – Professor Max Birchwood, WMS, comments about the strain in the EIP services following a cut to funding

Dentistry – Dr Siavesh Mirfendereski, WMS, discusses the dental equipment he uses in his surgery

Economist – Assistant Professor Dr Weisi Guo, Engineering, is mentioned in a piece about new research which enabled scientists to send the first text message using evaporated vodka

Also in: World Industrial Reporter

Farm Business – Dr Jonathan Cave, Economics, discusses the reason behind the end of the baby boom as the economy recovers

Farm Business – Warwick scientists working with the Syngenta Seeds team have discovered a mechanism to combat the MV infection in turnips. Dr John Walsh, Life Sciences, comments

Financial Times – WBS Dean Mark Taylor will be part of an expert panel this week answering questions in a live question and answers forum

Also in: Free News Pos

Freight Business Journal – Professor Janet Godsell, WMG, will be speaking at this year’s Women in Logistics awards about end to end supply chain

Guardian – Assistant Professor Dr Laura Schwartz, History, comments about the campaign attended by her to save the oldest library of women’s history

Guardian Weekly - Warwick academics are mentioned briefly in an argument with the Home Office about the surveillance of International student’s immigration statuses. Professor Nicola Pratt, PAIS, comments

Hospitality – Chef Graham Crump comments about his award win for innovation and management. The Vice Chancellor is also mentioned in connection with Warwick’s 2015 plans

HR Magazine – WBS Associate Dean Simon Collinson discusses the identification and removal of complexity in business

Independent - Assistant Professor Dr Laura Schwartz, History, writes about the relocation of the oldest library of women’s history

Information Age – A piece about the Network Rail competition ‘Could IT be you?’ in partnership with Warwick

Ingenia – A piece about business catapults in the UK mentions WMG for being one of the catapult centres for manufacturing

Insight Journal – Student Robert Hughes gave a presentation on advanced EC array technology

Laboratory News - Professor Jan Brosens, WMS, discusses research into the ‘entrance exam’ set by the womb that determines whether or not an embryo is successfully implanted, and what this means for future research and fertility treatments

Men’s Health – Dr Thomas Hills, Psychology, discusses the issue shoppers face with having too much choice

Also in: IVF Net

Midlands Insider Daily - WMG have appointed Professor David Greenwood, for TATA Steel research. Professor Lord Kumar Bhattacharyya and Professor Sridhar Seetharaman, WMG, comment

Natural Products – A mention of the newly published study by Warwick into vitamin supplements

Nursing Older People – Dr Lynne Mitchell, WMS, was part of a research team investigating how to make society a more welcoming place for sufferers of Dementia. Dr Mitchell comments

On Rec - Dr Ioanna Iordanou, WBS, is listed as a panel member for the first Google hangout question and answers online event last month

Practical Diabetes – Dr Milan Piya, WMS, provides a review of the book ‘Prevention of diabetes’

Sunday Times (2) – Professor Don Pollacco, Physics, comments about the Plato Science Consortium led by him which has just been selected for launch by the European Space Agency’s Science Policy Committee

Also in: Daily Star

Free News Pos


Times Higher Education

Phys Org

Sat News Publishers

Space Daily

Science AAAS


Space Ref

Sunday Times (2) – An article about online business courses mentions WBS as being the second best provider of online MBA courses in the world. WBS Assistant Dean of Master’s programmes, Nigel Pye comments

Also in: Business Because

Find MBA

Poets and Quants

Business Week

Beat the GMAT

The Drinks Business – A mention of work with the Warwick incubator programme in an article about an online beer club raising £150k in just 36 hours

Also in: Beer Guild

Angel News

Economic Voice


The Times – Dr Sue Bridgewater, WBS, comments about football team Fulham’s survival strategy

Tunnelling Journal – Dr Benoit Jones, Engineering, gives a guide on stability for tunnels on soft ground

Vantage – A biography about Bob Dover mentions him as a former visiting professor at Warwick

Weekend Sport – Dr Chrysovalantis Vasilakis, Economics, dicusses why it is unlikely that England will win another world cup

World Finance – Professor Kim Hoque, WBS, talks about Britain’s debt



City AM – A mention of the flexibility of WBS courses in a piece about online MBA degrees

Coventry Observer – A mention of National Action group protests and posters being found posted around the Warwick campus

Coventry Telegraph –A piece about the round-the-clock volunteering event by Warwick students

Coventry Telegraph – Dr Richard Hutchins, WMG, discusses the MIPIM event

Coventry Telegraph – Emeritus Professor Eleanor Nesbitt, IOE, will be giving a free talk this week about her latest book

Coventry Telegraph – The University of Warwick are listed as one of the firms to take part in the Enterprise and Employability Campaign

Coventry Telegraph – A mention of Warwick in an article about where the next Coventry City Football Club stadium will be

Coventry Telegraph – A mention of the Warwick Regional Impact Study in an article about how the MIPIM can help improve Coventry and Warwickshire’s economy

Craven Herald and Pioneer - Engineering students at Warwick are building a human powered submarine to compete in a European competition. Student James Fairbairn comments

Also in: Sea Discovery

Derby Telegraph – A feature about the Rolls Royce apprenticeships mentions how participants can earn a full MSc in engineering and business management from the University of Warwick

East Grinstead Courier – A piece about the Warwick student Sophie Kinnear, Chemistry, who will be speaking in parliament about drugs research

Express and Star - Professor Richard Taffler, WBS, comments about the Birmingham City Council putting the NEC up for sale to cover a legal bill

Get Reading – Dr Elizabeth Goldring, Renaissance Studies, discusses the display of a portrait of Queen Elizabeth I in the Reading Museum

Leamington Courier – Law students at Warwick are working on a new scheme with a local solicitor to provide local people with free legal advice

Also in: Kenilworth Weekly News

Midweek Herald – Dr Martine Barons, Statistics, who will be speaking in parliament about the growing concern over food banks

Northampton Herald and Post – A piece about a Warwick student surviving cancer and raising over £3k for Macmillan

Shropshire Star – Scott Crowther, WMG, comments about the manufacture of a new barrel tracking device launched by a Shropshire brewery

Wales Business Insider – Information about the WMS collaborative project into the analysis of the genetic code of bacteria

Western Telegraph - Professor Liz Dowler and Associate Professor Eric Jensen, Sociology, worked alongside researchers to produce a food aid report which uncovered how welfare reforms are forcing many more people to resort to emergency food hand outs

Also in: Daily Mail

Fri 14 Mar 2014, 14:04