Clinical Trials Unit case study
The brief
Create a 15 minute DVD to help supplement a study focussing on helping people with long term chronic pain. The goal was to persuade people to reduce their levels of medication.
The study needed materials that people could take away with them after attending a course.
The work
Working with the team at Warwick’s Clinical Trials Unit, we developed the script and cast actors opposite real consultants and doctors to get a genuine feel. Some of the scenes were improvised and captured with three camera rigs. Others were scripted and shot with a single camera following the storyboards.
Together the final DVD comprised of three films. When combined, the narrative showed people going through the process of giving up or cutting down their medication.
Sourced actors
Script development
DVD production
Take away DVD for attendees of pain management course.
The result
Filming lasted two and half days and created three short films around the main topic. The films were well received and generated further work with the client.
The process of creating the videos also helped the client fulfil their remit to engage with the public on the study.
Still from video.
Animation featured in final video.