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Information and Support for Students

Academic departments are responsible for:

(a) Providing students with information (preferably through a departmental handbook and induction meetings) concerning the facilities and training available to them in the department; the department's expectations and arrangements for monitoring progress and upgrading to full PhD registration; procedures, both at departmental and University-level, for making both informal and formal complaints concerning supervision and changing supervisor; operation of the department's postgraduate staff-student liaison committee; and any other relevant departmental procedures. Students should be advised of their responsibilities, as set out in section 4 of these Guidelines. Departments should provide students with information on the sources of advice and support that are available to them from the Senior Tutor’s Office, Student’s Union Advice and Welfare and the Doctoral College when considering making a complaint.

(b) Providing an induction and research training programme, including participation in any appropriate Faculty or University-level activities, which covers research methodology, the use of equipment and computer software, health and safety, ethical issues, intellectual property rights and transferable skills as appropriate to the discipline. Departments are encouraged to make students aware of the Researcher Development Programme. Identifying students in need of additional English language support and referring them to the appropriate University service when necessary.

(c) The organisation of a research seminar or similar programme for research students and staff according to practice in the discipline including opportunities for students to present their work to other members of the department.

(d) Providing students with the opportunity to give feedback on their experience at the University, including through the establishment of a SSLC for research students or representation on a Postgraduate SSLC.

(e) Within the resources available to the department and elsewhere in the University, giving current students access to adequate study space, equipment, library and computing facilities to pursue their research successfully and bringing any serious deficiencies to the notice of the appropriate University body. It is recognised that the facilities made available to students in different departments will vary depending on the resources available to the department, its policies on allocation of resources and the needs of the academic discipline.

Next = SECTION: 4. Monitoring Procedures