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Big Screen (Piazza) Specification and Templates

News showing on the big screen

Content Specifications (current - until 4/8/24)

Artwork needs to be supplied at exactly the stated pixel size resolution. No trim, bleed or safe-area is required.

Main zone:
480 x 270px (16:9 aspect ratio, landscape)

Bottom bar:
480 x 44px (default clock and date)
Content should be aligned right in an area no bigger than 220 x 44px. The background must be dark to show white text (clock and date).

Content Specifications (new - from 19/8/24)

The screen is being replaced so will be out of action from 5/8/24 - 19/8/24. The new screen will be higher resolution but a slightly different format so we will be building a new layout and will confirm the content area here ASAP.

Artwork needs to be supplied at exactly the stated pixel size resolution. No trim, bleed or safe-area is required.

Total screen size:
1664 x 896px (17:9 aspect ratio, landscape)

Bottom bar:
tbd (default clock and date)

Acceptable Creative Types

  • Video
  • Images
    • JPEG/PNG
    • RGB
    • 72dpi
  • No QR codes (the screen is too low-res)
  • Text should be no smaller than size 11 font at the resolution above.
  • A Warwick Logo is not required (see the Brand PortalLink opens in a new window)

Format for Video

  • MP4
  • See max resolution above
  • 30-60 sec long (2 min max for playlist content). Contact us for Event Takeover duration.
  • Audio -12db quietest and -6db loudest
  • Any speech must be accompanied by embedded captioning

Booking Process

Once you have suitable content (whether part of the default playlist or event takeover) please get in touch with us via the form linked below.

We will check suitability and availability and advise on next steps as soon as possible.

Event Takeovers

For 'timed' events that need to happen on a specific date and time, we can arrange for the screen to show your specific content. This includes: films, sports, live TV/streaming, interactive gaming and cultural celebrations.

It remains the content owner who is liable for any resulting action around permission to use any imagery, footage or sound, not the Digital Signage Team, AV Services or the University.

The following takeovers may require AV Support, which may be charged at £30+VAT an hour (pro rated at 30-minute increments).

Films and Live Streaming

Films can be shown on the Big Screen. Licences can be obtained from FilmbankmediaLink opens in a new window, averaging around £160+VAT.

Films will need to be booked via the Content Submission Form at least 2 months in advance in order to obtain licences.

Live TV programmes, including films, can be shown on the screen within our Freeview Licence.

Films and live streaming will be tested 48 hours before the event.

Interactive Gaming

Gaming consoles can be used with the big screen. Consoles and games are not supplied by AV Services or the Digital Signage team but we will look at supporting events using supplied consoles and games.

In line with the film restrictions, games should be suitable for audiences of all ages and we reserve the right to refuse any games that we feel may breach this.

Additional Notes

  • The screen audio system can be used and can be linked to radio mics as required, booked through AV Services.
  • Fixed cameras can be set up in a number of rooms around campus to stream events onto the screen. However, we can only set up single cameras and the footage streamed will be limited.
  • We cannot arrange the weather for you so alternatives should be planned.
  • We reserve the right to cancel your event without prior notice due to size of event, security issues, copyright infringement, inappropriate content, weather etc.

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