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Payroll cut-off deadlines

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Update on Sessional Teaching Payroll (STP) implementation - November 2018

Following Provost Christine Ennew’s recent update to heads of department, the update below explains the Sessional Teaching Payroll (STP) review.

The Sessional Teaching Payroll (STP) was introduced across all academic departments in August 2017. After the first year of operation, the overall implementation of this payroll is now being reviewed.

Led by Christine Ennew, Provost, a sub group of the Academic Resourcing Committee (ARC) has been taking feedback about STP from a wide range of stakeholders. There have been many positive comments made and some clear points of improvement identified.

The sub group will suggest a number of changes to the existing STP arrangements following the review, which will resolve some immediate problems. Attention will then focus on the commitment made by Stuart Croft, Vice-Chancellor, to move sessional teachers to new contractual arrangements in line with the University’s framework and benefits. The sub group will also propose that during the transition to new contracts, arrangements held at the current rate of pay in STP are extended.

What’s next?

Please keep an eye on the University's STP webpages for updates. If you have any queries, please contact the STP team (

Tue 27 Nov 2018, 13:37