Staff Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedure
The University is committed to providing a supportive and confidential environment where individuals feel confident and empowered to disclose, will be listened to and understand the options available to them.
This Staff Sexual Misconduct Policy and ProcedureLink opens in a new window applies to all employees and has been designed to address all forms of sexual misconduct. This policy expands on the existing principles outlined in the University’s Disciplinary Policy and Procedure.
Our University Principles make clear that we do not tolerate sexual misconduct, violence or abuse (Principle 3). They also make clear that we are committed to providing a working environment in which all members of our community feel safe and are respected.
We will support everyone in our community to challenge inappropriate behaviour where it is safe for them to do so.
If you, or someone you know, feels unsafe or uncomfortable about anything that has happened, the University can help. We will listen to you, and ensure that you are able to make personal and informed decisions and feel supported from the outset.
You can access a range of support via: