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Innovation Management

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The University of Warwick is a thriving Russell Group University. With 30,000 students and a top 10 place in the UK, it is uniquely placed to bring together research and teaching excellence with entrepreneurship.

Powered by the University of Warwick, and open to all, the Warwick Innovation District is a large, open innovation ecosystem that stretches from the University Hospital Coventry & Warwickshire, through Leamington to Wellesbourne.

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Centered around the new facilities in Junction, our new building, we are here to help make it happen for the Warwick Innovation District.

If you need space, people, events, networking, help with starting up or growing your business, access to start-ups and problem solvers, access to our experts or mentors we can help. If you want to be part of our growing community of partners, investors, mentors and coaches we would love to help you too.

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Innovation is happening all the time. We’d like to keep you up to date. Sign-up for the latest news direct to your inbox and we’ll keep you informed of the latest opportunities, events and more.

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We bring together academics, businesses, founders, and investors, to start, scale and pivot businesses, while helping students gain the opportunity to experiment with creative and critical thinking. Our passion is to see our region prosper.