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Review and approve bookings

For each resource, you can specify whether or not a booking requires approval before the booking is confirmed. This can be useful when, for example, those using a resource need supervision or you wish to reserve use of a room for certain meetings.

In this article:

Edit resource settings to require approval

  1. Go to your bookings page.
  2. Go to Manage resources > Settings:

    The 'Manage resources' menu with the 'Settings' option highlighted

  3. In the Resources seciton, select the Edit resource button for the relevant resource:

    The 'Editing Resource Bookings page' screen with 'Edit resource' buttons highlighted

  4. In the Edit resource pop-up window, select Bookings must be approved:

    The 'Edit resource' pop-up with the 'Bookings must be approved' option highlighted

  5. Select the Edit resource button at the bottom of the pop-up window.

  6. Select Save changes.
  7. When someone makes a booking for this resource, they recieve an email explaining that the booking is not yet approved. The booking page displays Awaiting confirmation on the relevant slot:

    A Resource calendar booking that's Awaiting confirmation

Approve or decline a single booking

Tip: Turn on notifications to receive an email when someone books a resource that requires approval.

Note: To approve bookings, you must have edit or admin permissions for the resource bookings page.

  1. Go to the bookings page.
  2. Select the Approve/decline booking button for the booking you wish to review:

    A booked slot in the resource calendar with the 'Approve/decline booking' button highlighted

  3. Review the booking details, and use the radio buttons to Approve this booking or Decline this booking. You can optionally enter a message that will be sent to the booker - for example, to provide a reason when declining a booking.

    The pop-up to review a booking awaiting confirmation

  4. Select the Approve/decline booking button. The booker receives another email informing them of your decision

Approve multiple bookings

  1. Go to the bookings page.
  2. Go to Manage resources > Approve multiple bookings.

    The 'Manage resources' menu with the 'Approve multiple bookings' option highlighted

  3. Select the Approved checkbox for any bookings you want to approve:

    The screen to approve multiple bookings with the 'Approved' checkboxes highlighted

  4. Select Approve bookings.

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