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Sara Hattersley (CLL) WATE commendee

My current role is both strategic and operational: to ensure that CLL is moving forward in its use of technology-enhanced learning and to support its progress, practically. Technology-enhanced learning is a strategic priority for the University and CLL, and I am determined, in a world saturated by different technologies, that I promote and advocate for a meaningful use of digital tools and opportunities for teaching and learning. My aim is to positively promote and model the relationship between technology and pedagogy and to break down the barriers which prevent staff and students from using technology, by simplifying the language around it, and providing a clear rationale for its use through good curriculum design.

Sara has made a significant contribution to the development of teaching and learning within the Centre for Lifelong Learning and across the University over the past decade. During this period Sara developed an innovative blended learning platform that engendered a spirit of collaboration and empowered her learners to develop a set of robust reflective practice skills. Sara based this model on a commitment to meaningful and timely synchronic dialogue between the learner(s) and the tutor(s). By wrapping technology around an
interactionist approach to the learning process Sara has created a unique experience that has
encouraged personal and group development within a virtual learning environment.

Her commitment to this highly innovative techno humanist approach to teaching and learning has been matched only by her commitment to develop the very best learner centred resources on-line. She has spent an enormous amount of her professional and personal time over the past decade constructing and refining her on-line resources to ensure they are accessible and meaningful. This aspect of curriculum innovation and
development is essential and is often understated and enormously time consuming.