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Career Pathway Project

A pilot project was undertaken earlier this academic year with Research Active Staff (RAS). RAS are staff on research, academic or teaching contracts. The RAS were interviewed by an external person, who had a set of questions that all RAS were asked. The purpose of the pilot project was to find out more about the career pathways of RAS at Warwick University and to find out about the learning & development support that they had received & that they need. We also asked them about top tips they would offer a ‘younger’ self and also advice hey would give other RAS colleagues. The RAS showed eclectic career pathways prior to becoming a RAS at Warwick. The project interviewed 14 RAS. 3 males & 11female staff. The staff were both from both an international or national backgrounds. The RAS were from a range of disciplines and represent 14 different departments. The job titles included; Research Fellow, Senior Research Fellow, Principal Research Fellow, Assistant & Associate professor.

Who should attend?
{insert details of who the workshop is for}

Workshop Objectives:
{insert workshop objectives - bullet pointed}

Led by:
{ask Sandy Sparks for the name(s) of who is leading this or refer to course schedule}



 Career Stories


{insert date - e.g.
Monday 2 June 2017}

{insert time + refreshments time}

{insert venue}

{insert link to campus map}

{insert info on parking}



Any questions?

Workshop content:
Sandy Sparks Sandra dot Sparks at warwick dot ac dot uk Learning and Development Centre. Ext: 74121

Workshop arrangements:
Jane Cooper researcherqueries at warwick dot ac dot uk Learning Development Centre. Ext: 24893


To Apply
If you would like to apply for a place on the {insert date(s)} workshop(s) or to register your interest in future events please use the link below:

{insert 'Book a Place' link}