Your Core Benefits
Our competitive salaries are offered on a grading structure which provides excellent incremental progression for grades 1A – 8.
ANNUAL LEAVEOur generous annual leave entitlement includes four customary shut down days over Christmas, and eight statutory bank holidays. In addition you will receive:
Grades 1A–5- 26 days of paid annual leave
Grades 6–9– 30 days of paid annual leave
Depending on your working hours you will also have the option to buy up to ten days of additional annual leave.
As well as competitive salaries we offer three attractive pension schemes with excellent employer contributions:
University of Warwick Pension Scheme (UPS)
For staff in grades 1A - 4
Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS)
For staff in grades 5 - 9
NHS Pension Scheme
For some Clinical and Research staff at Warwick Medical School

Long Service AwardsLink opens in a new window
To recognise staff contribution and loyalty we currently present Long Service Awards to celebrate colleagues achieving 10, 20, 30 and 40 years of service.
Find out more about out long service awards by following the link above.

Warwick Wonders and WowsLink opens in a new window
Since launching in December 2022, we've met some truly brilliant people who have gone above and beyond in their day-to-day roles. And you can tell us about a colleague you're proud to be working with or about a team who have worked or are working brilliantly together to achieve something special.

2024 Award and Senior Leadership Remuneration Scheme (SLRS)Link opens in a new window
Our two discretionary reward schemes (2024 Award and Senior Leadership Remuneration Scheme) aim to identify, recognise and reward sustained excellence of performance and contribution.
The University of Warwick have now introduced the "Staff Support Fund" for eligible salaried staff who are struggling financially with unexpected costs or a change in personal circumstances, arising from the current cost of living crisis. Further details and how to apply can be found on our dedicated webpage Staff Support Fund.