Your Giving Back
We like to give our staff the opportunity to be involved in all aspects of University life, and offer you the chance to volunteer at events such as graduation ceremonies and open days. Please contact your department representative for further details. You may also wish to seek volunteering opportunities locally or to become a 'Staff Green Champion'.
We have signed up for Charities Aid Foundation, Give As You Earn (GAYE), so you can give a regular or single gift direct from your income to any charity of your choice. The amount is deducted after National Insurance Contributions are calculated, but before income tax is deducted. The donation is therefore tax-free for the donor, and the tax which the donor would have paid goes directly to the charity instead. You can also support the University's fundraising for scholarships, cancer research, education outreach and much more through a donation via GAYE.

There is a large range of formal and informal groups that you can join on campus. Why not get involved with one of our Equal Opportunities Network Groups, the Warwick Women’s Institute, or our Staff Walkers Group? For more information take a look at the Social Groups and Networking section under our 'Play at Warwick' page.