Frequently Asked Questions
Remote Access
All Cognos reports can now only be run by users connected to the Warwick network. If you are off-site or working from home, you will first need to connect to the Warwick Virtual Private Network (VPN) before you try and run a report - if not then you will simply get a timeout error (eventually). Details of how to connect to the VPN are available hereLink opens in a new window.
Latest Version
Cognos has recently (30/6/23) been upgraded to version 11.2.4. If you are experiencing connection issues please try clearing your browser cache before raising a call with Service-Now.
Supported Web Browsers
All current browser versions of Edge (default install at Warwick), Chrome, Firefox and Safari (on MacOS) are supported - please make sure you are using the latest available browser version.
Problems Running Reports
If you receive a message "Unable to load requested view" when trying to run a report, please try clearing your browser cache, quitting and restarting the browser and retrying the link. If you are still having problems then raise a Service-Now call using the following linkLink opens in a new window.
Printing Reports
You can print reports directly from the browser, but be careful of multi-page reports as only the first page prints by default - you can tell if a report is multi-page by the presence of hyperlinks for "top", "page up", "page down" and "bottom" at the bottom of the page. The safest method to ensure that you print all the data is to extract to PDF or Excel (see below) and print from there...
Output Formats
Cognos supports a number of different output formats (HTML, PDF, Excel, etc) which can be easily changed through the menu option shown below:
Downloading Files to Excel
When running reports into an Excel format if the window does not appear or you are not prompted to save a file then the following points should be checked:
- Turn off any pop-up blockers (or allow as a trusted site
- Add as a trusted site
- Modify the custom settings for the trusted sites zone to "Enable automatic prompting for file downloads" and "Enable file download"
Occasionally these settings may get reset (by a security policy update), so you may need to reset them to re-enable downloads into Excel(!)
Where reports contain charts, the underlying data is also downloaded into Excel but is stored in hidden sheets which need to be unhidden to allow access to the data.
Off campus access
To connect to Cognos reports when off campus you must be connected to the VPN - click hereLink opens in a new window for further details
To request access to the Dashboards please contact Analytics Support via Service-NowLink opens in a new window
Bespoke Analytics
To request bespoke work using our range of Analytics software, please contact Analytics Support via Service-NowLink opens in a new window