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Intercultural Competence: Interview Resources

Prepare your Story

Important: This page will allow you to make and save your preparatory notes.
You must click "Save Notes" at the bottom of the page for your notes to be stored.
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Step 1

Decide which of your intercultural competencies you would like to highlight in the interview.

Choose two or three:

Step 2

Choose which interview question will enable you to talk about your chosen intercultural competencies.

Select one:

Step 3

Prepare your story using the boxes below; you can make shorthand notes or write in full sentences.

Step 4

If you have time (check the chat history on Blackboard Collaborate to see the time you need to return by) you can reflect further on your story using the 3Rs framework below. This can help you add depth to your story.

Step 5

Click the button below to Save your Notes
(if you haven't clicked the button, leaving or refreshing this page will cause you to lose all your notes).

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Step 6

Open the Interviewer Crib Sheet in a new tab ready to use when you are acting as the interviewer

Step 7

It will be helpful to be able to see your partner in Blackboard Collaborate whilst you are asking or answering the questions. If you have a single screen, we suggest having these pages open in a smaller "windowed" mode in front of the Blackboard Collaborate session if possible. If you can't do this, let your partner know that you're not able to see them.

Step 8

Return to the Blackboard Collaborate Session once you have finished your preparations, or when the preparation time is up.