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WCS Award Student Consultation

Call for participants – Student employability

The University of Warwick is designing a new programme to help students develop the employability skills they need for their chosen career path, to stand out​ in a competitive job market, and to realise their dreams. Planning those next steps can seem like a challenge alongside your studies, so we are designing a new flexible Warwick Core Skills Award which we will pilot during the Spring and Summer of 2022. We would like you to help us design an award that will best enable you to develop the employability skills that you will need to impress your future employers.

The Student Opportunity team will be holding two consultations in December, and we would love to meet you at one of them to get your feedback on our ideas. You can select one of the following:

  • Friday 3rd December, 13:15 – 15:00
  • Wednesday 8th December, 13:15 – 15:00

We want to meet the widest range of undergraduate and masters’ students. The group consultations will be held in person on the central campus, and we will provide a free lunch! No preparation in advance of the consultation workshop is required.

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